Education Co-sponsorship Alliance Brief 2020
Education Co-sponsorship Alliance Brief 2020

Education was one of six themes at the first Global Refugee Forum (GRF), held in December 2019. In preparation for the forum, the GRF Education Co-Sponsorship Alliance was formed. Made up of 68 official co-sponsors and over 150 members, the Alliance counts a wide range of actors amongst its members, including UN Member States, UN agencies, international organisations, financial institutions, national and local organisations, private sector, philanthropists and refugees themselves. The Alliance played an important role in mobilising concrete pledges and contributions towards inclusive and quality education at all levels for refugees and host community children and youth – resulting in 205 pledges relating to education being received.
This brief provides a snapshot of the progress made throughout 2020, towards reaching the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), despite the significant challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Out of all the updates received, 13 pledges were reported as fulfilled; 79 are in progress and 11 are in the planning phase.

The report offers a complete overview by Outcome Area (inclusion in national education systems; qualifications & skills for work; emergency response) and takes into account cross-cutting considerations (such as policy and planning; financing and resources; equity and inclusion; innovation and connected learning). A summary by region with examples is also provided, as well as a comprehensive review of progress made towards pledges.
Read the full report here.