Thirty years of hope and higher education for refugees in West Africa

For the last three decades, DAFI scholarships have given refugees the chance to earn a university degree, providing the gifts of education, hope and a brighter future.

17 Oct 2022

Insecurity and COVID-19 fuel refugee mental health concerns in Libya

The pandemic and recent security crackdowns have taken a high toll on the mental health of refugees and asylum-seekers, but UNHCR programmes are helping to make a difference.

14 Oct 2022

Violence erupts in DR Congo's west as nearly 30,000 flee clashes

11 Oct 2022

Farming together fosters ties between Burundian refugees and their Congolese hosts

After finding sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundian refugees are sharing their knowledge of farming with locals.

5 Oct 2022

Iraqi doctor provides care and comfort to Yazidi survivors

Gynaecologist Nagham Hasan has spent years providing medical and emotional care to former ISIS captives, and pledges to continue "for the long haul" despite often harrowing work.

4 Oct 2022

Former midwife delivers safety and hope to Nicaraguan refugee women

Since arriving in Costa Rica more than 50 years ago, Vicenta González has made it her mission to help local and refugee women escape abuse and make a fresh start.

4 Oct 2022

Nearly 6,000 Congolese refugees return home from Zambia with UNHCR support

27 Sep 2022

IOM, UNHCR, and UNRWA: Latest tragedy at sea off Syria must prompt action

23 Sep 2022

Congolese refugee reunites with parents she thought she had lost

Françoise Chikunda Sabuni was living as a refugee in Uganda when she learned her parents, who she assumed had been killed years before, were alive and well in the Netherlands.

23 Sep 2022