South Sudan's women risk all for peace

South Sudan's women risk all for peace

'Women for Peace' is an independent community group that is leading peace building efforts in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan. Anyek Rose, the head of the women's group, returned to South Sudan after spending 10 years in exile. In 2018 she led other women into the frontlines and convinced those who were fighting to lay down their arms and return home. Since then, the group proactively resolves disputes within the community and supports victims of gender based violence.

Some 2.3 million South Sudanese are displaced across five neighboring countries as refugees, while more than 2 million people are displaced within the nation's borders.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is committed to helping those who return voluntarily to South Sudan achieve a safe and dignified life through support for peacebuilding, governance and livelihoods in Magwi and other "pockets of hope" across the country.