UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency - Join us this year on World Refugee Day on June 20 and support refugees across the globe to be protected and included in health care, education and sport.

World Refugee Day in Africa

Conflict and persecution have forced more than 80 million people around the world to flee their homes.

This World Refugee Day, we call on communities and governments to include them – in health care, education and sport.

Only by working together can we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Together we heal, learn and shine.

World Refugee Day 2021

We are celebrating the contributions that people forced to flee their homes are making to our communities and our countries.

COVID-19 has put a strain on health care, schools and our communities. We have all had to do our part to keep each other safe and, despite the challenges, refugees and displaced people have stepped up.

Refugees step up for their communities. It’s time we step up for them.

Find out how you can get involved below:

Download and share to show that you stand with refugees.

We need everyone to step up and call for refugee inclusion. Pick a placard and post to your social media, showing that you support people forced to flee their homes.


Be Inspired

Watch 'The Journey'-  a video' depicting a refugee's path from conflict to international competition, revealing the power of sport to change the lives of forcibly displaced people everywhere.


Follow our live blog

Keep up with all the WRD action around the continent.


“Throughout this challenging time, we have…seen a connectedness that transcends borders. Ordinary people have stepped up to help. Host communities…have continued to demonstrate a remarkable welcome.”

–Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees