Types of contracts and appointments

The following types of contracts and appointments are advertised on the UNHCR recruitment platform.


International Professional Staff

International Professional Staff (fixed-term appointments) work in a range of functional profiles in field locations, at Headquarters in Geneva, or in one of the Global Service Centres –⁠ Amman, Budapest and Copenhagen. These positions are subject to rotation, with staff required to change duty station from time to time.

UNHCR does its best to fill vacant International Professional positions internally. If no suitable internal candidate is identified, the organization will advertise these positions externally.


Temporary Appointments

UNHCR needs to deploy staff quickly to respond to the needs of people forced to flee in displacement emergencies. We recruit candidates to cover short-term emergency staffing needs (up to 729 days).

Temporary Appointment opportunities are offered in field locations, at Headquarters in Geneva, or in one of the Global Service Centres. Please note that a Temporary Appointment does not carry any expectancy, legal or otherwise, of renewal and cannot be converted to any other type of appointment. A Temporary Appointment carries reduced allowances and entitlements compared to a fixed-term appointment.



UNHCR’s Consultants are highly trained professionals who are recruited on a temporary basis. They provide high-level technical knowledge that is not available within UNHCR. Consultants do not work under any type of partnership agreement or any other entity (e.g. company or firm) and will not perform the regular day-to-day functions of staff.

Consultant contracts will not exceed 11 consecutive months and so include a mandatory break-in-service of one full month. Consultants can only be engaged for a period up to a maximum of 24 months of full-time work in a 36-month period. After this, a minimum six-month break in service is required.

Types of consultancies:

  • International consultants hired from outside the location where they will perform the services (place of work).
  • Locally hired international consultants who are not nationals of the country in which they serve and have been hired at the place of work.
  • National consultants who are nationals of the country and have been hired at the place of work


Talent Pools

Talent Pools for common functional profiles help UNHCR rapidly recruit staff to respond to crises. Selected candidates may work in field locations as well as the Headquarters (Geneva) or in one of the Global Service Centres (Amman, Budapest and Copenhagen).

They are called 'evergreen requisitions' in the UNHCR recruitment platform, and are advertised by functional areas and grade levels based on actual needs for a period of 12 months. They are used as ‘rosters’, in order to have a balanced number of ready-to-hire professional candidates for the most common or sought-after job profiles at various levels/grades, who can be deployed at short notice to a vacancy that best matches their skills. Talent Pools are primarily used to fill Temporary Appointments

Please note, Talent Pools will be advertised at the end of 2022 and will remain open for 12 months.


General Service Staff and National Professional Officers

General Service Staff are recruited locally and the individual is required to be legally present in the country where the post they are applying for is situated. They do not have a requirement to rotate. General Service Salary Scales

National Professional Officers must be nationals of the country in which they serve, and they have substantial knowledge of local conditions. They are also not required to rotate. Their recruitment should enhance the national capacity building and contribute to the quality of the nation’s professional workforce. Local Staff Salary Calculator

Vacancies in these two categories are advertised on the UNHCR recruitment platform, and internally and externally within the country of the duty station where the vacancy exists. Vacancy notices are shared with all UNHCR staff in the country. They are also issued in the local press, posted on national employment websites, and with all UN agencies, local missions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the country. Contact one of the country offices to learn more about current General and National Staff opportunities. Browse UNHCR country pages.

In addition, UNHCR also recruits Field Service Staff, however these positions are only advertised internally and are primarily targeted at current General Service staff looking to gain international experience. They are temporary international assignments, often located in hardship and non-family duty stations.



UNHCR’s Internship Programme offers eligible students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain experience in the humanitarian sector in an international environment, in line with their academic programme or future work in a field related to UNHCR’s mission.

Learn more about UNHCR's Internship Programme.


Other appointments

In addition, UNHCR recruits Junior Professional Officers and United Nations Volunteers. These positions and the application process are managed separately to the main recruitment platform. See the relevant page for more information.