Returned refugees break ground at South Sudan farm cooperative

Returned refugees break ground at South Sudan farm cooperative

This farm in Eastern Equitoria in South Sudan is helping South Sudanese rebuild their lives after years in exile. Can-Coya Cooperative is restoring farmlands while helping returnees and the rest of the community become self-reliant. Odong Athony, the head of the cooperative aspires to scale up production from these 250 acres of land to help supply produce to the rest of South Sudan while promoting self-reliance in his community.

 Some 2.3 million South Sudanese are displaced across five neighbouring countries as refugees, while more than 2 million people are displaced within the nation's borders.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is committed to helping those who return voluntarily to South Sudan achieve a safe and dignified life through support for peacebuilding, governance and livelihoods in Magwi and other "pockets of hope" across the country.