Training package: SOGIESC and working with LGBTIQ+ persons in forced displacement

About the Training package

UNHCR’s effort to improve the protection of forcibly displaced and stateless people with diverse SOGIESC include expert global capacity assessment surveys and consultations with staff, operational partners and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) people with lived experiences, as well as the development of guidelines, strategic messaging from UNHCR senior leadership, and mainstreaming LGBTIQ+ issues in mandatory learning programmes.  

The training’s modules cover a wide variety of topics, including terminology, international law, communication, protection, assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) and Refugee Status Determination (RSD), all with a focus on practical guidance for UNHCR and IOM offices and partner organizations.

Before you begin

Check out this guide for more details on the modules and how to use them:


Training modules


Additional resources


For questions on the training package please contact the Community-Based Protection Unit in the Division of International Protection: [email protected]