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Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre

The Refugee Documentation Centre (RDC) is an independent library and research service which is provided under the aegis of the Irish Legal Aid Board. The RDC provides services primarily, though not exclusively, to Irish governmental organisations involved in the asylum process and to private legal practitioners associated with these organisations. Members of the public and other agencies may use the RDC to conduct their own research.  Website:
Selected filters: Political groups
Showing 21-30 of 64 results
Iran: Treatment of green movement protesters/opposition protestors, including arrests/charges/convictions/custodial conditions

5 August 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Egypt: Treatment of National Democratic Party supporters

16 June 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Zimbabwe: Old COI suggests that the MDC stopped issuing membership cards in 2002. What is the up to date situation? 2. What is the situation in relation to issuing membership cards for members of MDCM and the MDCT?

10 June 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Democratic Republic of Congo: Information since June 2010 on the treatment of members of the MLC in the Democratic Republic of Congo

8 June 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Bangladesh: Information on the treatment of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) members

31 May 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Angola: Is FLEC Renovada an armed faction of FLEC or a separate armed organisation (a splinter group)?

10 May 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Zimbabwe: Treatment of the MDC in Zimbabwe

8 April 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Ethiopia: Whether persons of Oromo ethnicity are subjected to harm, ill-treatment and/or discrimination by the authorities in Ethiopia. Whether persons of Oromo ethnicity are perceived by the Ethiopian authorities as being members and/or supporters of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). Whether members/supporters or perceived members/supporters of the OLF are subjected to harm and/or ill-treatment by the authorities in Ethiopia

25 March 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Cameroon: What information is there on police corruption, specifically politically motivated corruption, within Cameroon?

4 March 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

Côte d'Ivoire: What is the government's attitude to members or supporters of the Liberation for Presidential Majority (LMP)?

28 February 2011 | Publisher: Ireland: Refugee Documentation Centre | Document type: Query Responses

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