Cecilia Rosana Núñez Chipana v. Venezuela
Display in UN document template Original: ENGLISH 16 December 1998 | Judicial Body: UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Deportation / Forcible return - Extradition - Non-refoulement - Refoulement - Right to justice | Countries: Peru - Venezuela |
UN Committee against Torture: Addendum to the Initial Reports of States Parties Due in 1989, Peru
31 May 1994 | Publisher: UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) | Document type: States Parties Reports |
UN Committee against Torture: Addendum to the Initial Report of States Parties Due in 1989, Peru
7 December 1992 | Publisher: UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) | Document type: States Parties Reports |