Last Updated: Thursday, 29 September 2022, 11:15 GMT

World Organisation Against Torture

The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is the main coalition of international non-governmental organisations (NGO) fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. With 282 affiliated organisations in its SOS-Torture Network and many tens of thousands correspondents in every country, OMCT is the most important network of non-governmental organisations working for the protection and the promotion of human rights in the world. Website:
Selected filters: Peru
Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Detención arbitraria y hostigamiento judicial contra los Sres. Julio Bustamante Soto, Jorge Luís Zapata Ato y José Antonio Torres Carranza

29 January 2009 | Publisher: World Organisation Against Torture | Document type: Country News

Procesos por terrorismo contra 35 defensores del medio ambiente

9 January 2009 | Publisher: World Organisation Against Torture | Document type: Country News

Acoso contra el IDL de parte de las autoridades

8 September 2008 | Publisher: World Organisation Against Torture | Document type: Country News

Peru: Ministro de Agricultura califica a ONG de ''buitres del siglo XXI''

28 August 2008 | Publisher: World Organisation Against Torture | Document type: Country News

Judicial proceedings against 24 defenders of the right to environnement in Peru

3 April 2008 | Publisher: World Organisation Against Torture | Document type: Country News

Perú: Una situación preocupante para los defensores de derechos humanos

14 December 2006 | Publisher: World Organisation Against Torture | Document type: Country Reports

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