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Education Under Attack 2018 - Israel/Palestine

Publisher Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack
Publication Date 11 May 2018
Cite as Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, Education Under Attack 2018 - Israel/Palestine, 11 May 2018, available at: [accessed 19 October 2022]
DisclaimerThis is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.

In the West Bank, military operations by Israeli security forces and attacks by Israeli settlers harmed Palestinian students, education personnel, schools, and universities. In Gaza, air strikes and mortar shells damaged or destroyed hundreds of Palestinian schools and universities, most of them in 2014. Several Israeli schools and buses transporting Israeli students were also damaged. Multiple parties used dozens of schools and universities as bases, for weapons storage, or for military training in the West Bank and Gaza.


Conflict in Israel/Palestine varied by region from 2013 to 2017. Tension in the West Bank was largely related to Israeli settlements and administrative policies. Israeli authorities exercised exclusive jurisdiction over civil and security issues in Area C, which encompassed approximately 60 percent of the West Bank, and full jurisdiction over East Jerusalem. Israeli authorities rarely issued building permits for Palestinians in Area C and frequently demolished Palestinian property there, including schools.[1131] Furthermore, according to the human rights group Yesh Din, there was limited accountability for ideologically motivated crimes against Palestinians, such as physical violence, damage to property, or takeover of land. In 2016, Yesh Din found that 85 percent of the investigations into this type of crime were closed because of failed police investigations.[1132] Violence and tensions also arose in areas close to Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and to checkpoints established and run by Israeli security forces (ISF).[1133]

Violence intensified in the West Bank in June 2014, after two Israeli children and one Israeli youth were abducted and killed.[1134] In response, Israeli extremists abducted and burned a Palestinian child to death.[1135] ISF initiated Operation Brother's Keeper during the search for the three abducted Israelis, conducting searches across the West Bank, including at schools and universities. At least four Palestinians were killed and more than 470 arrested between June 12 and June 24, 2014.[1136] Israel convicted a Palestinian man with ties to Hamas for the three deaths, but there was no evidence that Hamas leadership was involved. Tensions continued to spike in the West Bank and East Jerusalem throughout the remainder of the reporting period.[1137]

Israel's closure of Gaza's border crossings and limits on sea and air access, which was supported by Egypt, restricted the movement of goods and people in and out of Gaza and shaped conflict in the Gaza Strip, which was de facto controlled by Hamas.[1138] During the reporting period, there were periods of intense fighting between ISF and Palestinian armed groups, including rockets launched by Palestinian groups into Israel and Israeli air strikes and ground incursions into Gaza.[1139] The most intense damage to schools in Gaza occurred during fighting between ISF and de facto Hamas authorities in July and August 2014, during an Israeli military operation called "Operation Protective Edge" that damaged many schools and destroyed others.[1140] Intensification of fighting on the Israel-Gaza border also affected education in southern Israel, with children staying home from school during periods of increased rocket attacks.[1141]

The UN reported that tactics of the occupation in the West Bank, including checkpoints, road closures, raids, and the blockade in Gaza, hindered girls' and women's access to education.[1142]

Attacks on education reflected this overall intensification of violence, all forms of which occurred more frequently in the current reporting period than in the period documented in Education under Attack 2014. There were at least 1,147 incidents related to pre-tertiary education in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Israel between 2013 and 2017, which affected tens of thousands of students.[1143]

Palestine endorsed the Safe Schools Declaration in May 2015.

Attacks on schools

Attacks on schools took several forms in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, and southern Israel. In all areas, safe access to education was restricted. In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, there were reports of Israeli settlers attacking schools. In Gaza, Israeli air strikes and ground force operations destroyed or damaged hundreds of Palestinian schools; Palestinian armed groups launched rockets and fired mortar shells that damaged schools in Israel but also in Gaza. The more frequent presence of Israeli forces near schools also affected educational opportunities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where Israeli forces entered and searched and fired teargas canisters into Palestinian schools and schoolyards. Finally, demolitions and stop-work orders at schools lacking building permits contributed to a lack of adequate educational facilities and a severe shortage of schools. According to Save the Children, at the end of 2017, there were pending demolition orders on 46 schools in the West Bank, affecting children's access to education.[1144]

The overall level of reported attacks was higher than in the period covered in Education under Attack 2014, largely due a sustained Israeli military operation, called "Protective Edge," in Gaza during July and August 2014, and generally heightened tensions between the Israeli and Palestinian populations throughout the reporting period.

In the West Bank during 2013, attacks by Israeli settlers inhibited safe access to schools for Palestinian children in the West Bank, as did the presence of Israeli forces in school areas. Israeli settlers vandalized schools, and Israeli forces fired on or near schools using teargas and sound bombs, which explode with a bright flash and loud noise intended to disorient the people targeted. In 2013, according to the UN, there were 41 cases of ISF conducting operations inside or near schools, forcing entry into schools, firing teargas and sound bombs into schools, or causing structural damage to schools on the West Bank.[1145] In 15 cases, teargas and sound bombs affected UNRWA schools, sometimes during class.[1146] Cases of vandalism or abuse by armed forces at schools included:

  • UNICEF reported that Israeli settlers attacked schools in the West Bank in five instances during 2013.[1147] Israeli settlers from Yitzhar settlement near 'Urif village in Nablus and settlers living near Jalud village, also in Nablus, were responsible for surrounding and breaking into or hurling stones at schools in at least three cases during the first half of the year, as documented by the UN sources.[1148]

  • On September 24, 2013, Israeli forces fired teargas canisters into a group of Palestinian protesters who were allegedly throwing stones near the Zeita Secondary School in Tulkarem. The school evacuated its 350 students.[1149]

Two schools were affected in an attack in Gaza in 2013. On December 25, 2013, rockets fired by Israeli forces into the Gaza Strip damaged the windows of Deir Al Balah Vocational School and Abdallah Ben Rawaha Mixed School.[1150]

There was at least one attack that damaged a school in Israel reported in 2013. On January 26, 2013, unknown assailants reportedly targeted a kindergarten in Tuba-Zangariya, a Bedouin village in northern Israel, with an explosive device. The attack did not cause any casualties or damage, according to media sources.[1151]

The number of attacks on both Palestinian and Israeli schools peaked in 2014, rising significantly over the previous year. In the West Bank, an Israeli military operation, called "Brother's Keeper," contributed to an increased presence of armed forces around schools. ISF were responsible for 117 attacks on West Bank schools in 2014, including responding to clashes with Palestinians by entering schools or firing teargas and sound bombs into schools and schoolyards, according to UNICEF. These attacks injured students and teachers.[1152] UNICEF also reported that Israeli settlers and extremists attacked West Bank schools in 12 cases during 2014.[1153] Cases of attacks on schools by Israeli settlers or of military presence affecting schools included:

  • In early March 2014, ISF fired teargas and sound bombs into and near Ya'bad Secondary School in Jenin and al-Sawiya Secondary School in Nablus, after students allegedly threw stones or Molotov cocktails at the soldiers. At the latter school, Israeli forces assaulted teachers and arrested one student.[1154]

  • According to the UN, Israeli settlers allegedly living in the Yizhar settlement in the West Bank attacked 'Urif Secondary School for Boys near Nablus four times in 2014.[1155] In one of these cases, on April 18, 2014, ISF shielded the settlers as they attacked the school with stones, bullets, and a gas canister, injuring 12 students.[1156]

  • On September 24, 2014, ISF fired rubber bullets toward Dar al-Aytam School in Jerusalem's Old City, allegedly after Palestinian students had thrown stones. The rubber bullets injured three children.[1157]

One Israeli school in East Jerusalem was also attacked in 2014. Members of the right-wing group Lahava, whose main goal was to prevent interfaith marriages, vandalized the integrated Arab-Israeli school in Jerusalem in November, writing hate slogans such as "Death to Arabs" on the walls and burning books. The incident prompted Israel's President Rivlin to hold a solidarity meeting with children from the school a few days later.[1158]

Attacks on schools peaked in Gaza in 2014 during Israeli Operation Protective Edge. According to the UN, at least 262 schools and 274 kindergartens in Gaza were damaged or destroyed during the operation between July 8 and August 26, 2014.[1159] The UN reported that, during the operation, Israeli artillery, mortar shells, and missiles damaged seven UN-run schools, six of which were being used by the UNRWA as temporary shelters. These attacks killed or injured hundreds of civilians, including children.[1160] Israeli forces reportedly carried out these strikes despite repeated notifications of the schools' locations and use as shelters by the UN.[1161] Human Rights Watch determined that the attacks in Beit Hanoun and Jabalya did not appear to target military objectives "or were otherwise unlawfully indiscriminate." Human Rights Watch considered the third attack in Rafah to be unlawfully disproportionate if not indiscriminate.[1162]

As Operation Protective Edge continued, rockets launched from inside Gaza struck two Israeli schools and two Israeli kindergartens, injuring one civilian in one of the kindergartens.[1163] According to UNICEF and local media sources, the affected schools included the following:

  • A special education school in Rishon LeZion in southern Israel on July 15, 2014.[1164]

  • A kindergarten in Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, Sderot city, on July 21, 2014.[1165]

  • A school in Ashdod in southern Israel on July 21, 2014.[1166]

  • A kindergarten in Eshkol region on August 21, 2014, where one adult was injured.[1167]

Attacks on schools declined for much of 2015, before becoming more common again toward the end of the year.[1168] Military operations around schools in the West Bank were responsible for the majority of attacks on schools in 2015. The UN reported 96 incidents in which schools came under fire during military-led operations.[1169] At least 4,752 students were harmed by attacks on schools and military activity around schools, primarily due to teargas inhalation.[1170] In addition, Israeli settlers were also responsible for attacks on four schools, all during the first quarter of 2015, according to UNICEF – two in Hebron, one in Nablus, and one in Bethlehem.[1171] There was one demolition order issued against a school in the West Bank in 2015.[1172] Examples of attacks related to military operations, settler violence, or demolitions included:

  • During the first quarter of 2015, settlers threw rocks at students at the al-Ibrahimyye School in Hebron's Old City and later vandalized the school gate. 1173

  • Also during the first quarter of 2015, another group of Israeli settlers vandalized 'Urif Secondary Boys School, writing "Death to Arabs" on its walls.[1174]

  • During search operations, Israeli force munitions broke the windows of the UNRWA Jalazone Camp Basic Girls' School during the first quarter of 2015.[1175]

  • The Shab Albotom School in Massafer Yatta received a demolition order during the third quarter of 2015.[1176]

In 2015, armed clashes also affected two schools in Gaza, which had to be evacuated on October 18, 2015, according to OCHA.[1177]

In 2016, attacks on schools continued to occur in the West Bank but were reported slightly less frequently. The UN documented 74 attacks on schools or protected education personnel in the West Bank in 2016 but did not disaggregate these numbers.[1178] Information from UNICEF indicated that there were approximately 83 incidents in 2016.[1179] As during previous years, most attacks occurred in the context of Israeli military operations near Palestinian schools, resulting in the firing of teargas or sound bombs and ISF searches on school premises. However, there was also at least one case in which Israeli settlers attacked a school and nine cases of either demolition orders issued against schools or actual demolitions of school structures.[1180] According to the Palestinian Ministry of Education, there were 162 attacks on schools in the West Bank in 2016, including searches by ISF in which they used live fire and rubber bullets, as well as gas and sound bombs.[1181] It was not clear whether these different tallies overlapped or whether the different sources used the same criteria to define attacks on schools. Examples of attacks on schools, including military presence, vandalism, and demolitions, included:

  • In March 2016, ISF demolished an elementary school in the Khirbet Tana herding community. The school had been constructed in 2011 after the original school was demolished by ISF. The second demolition affected nine children, according to OCHA.[1182]

  • On June 5, 2016, Israeli forces demolished a donor-funded kindergarten in the Sateh al-Bahar Bedouin community in the West Bank. The kindergarten had been constructed in early May, according to OCHA.[1183]

  • On August 31, 2016, UNICEF reported that a group of Israeli settlers damaged a school in Nablus at night, when they attacked it by throwing stones, mud, and glass bottles.[1184]

  • In October 2016, ISF entered Dar al-Aytam School, where they arrested 14 students and the school director, according to OCHA.[1185]

In one case, a rocket fired from Gaza damaged an educational institution in Israel. On July 1, 2016, a rocket fired from Gaza landed on a preschool in Sderot, Southern district. No one was injured in the blast.[1186]

During 2017, there were 95 reported cases of attacks on schools in the West Bank, which affected 12,380 children.[1187] These incidents included cases of military activity inside and around schools, including 66 cases in which the Israeli military fired tear gas canisters, sound grenades and live ammunition at or nearby schools, or at students commuting to or from school, as well as 24 cases in which the Israeli military entered and searched schools.[1188] In addition, there were several demolitions and demolition orders issued against schools.[1189] Examples of these different types of attacks included:

  • OCHA reported that nine school-related structures in three Area C communities were confiscated by Israeli forces at the start of the school year in August 2017.[1190]

  • According to Save the Children, tear gas fired by Israeli forces at the Al-Sharika School in Qalqilya city resulted in multiple students and staff suffering from suffocation.[1191]

  • OCHA reported that on November 9, 2017, Israeli forces fired teargas canisters into a school yard in Hebron city, injuring five children. According to Israeli sources, this incident took place after unidentified individuals threw stones at Israeli settler vehicles from the school compound.[1192]

In addition, at least four schools in Gaza and one kindergarten in Israel were damaged in fighting between Israeli armed forces and Palestinian fighters in 2017. For example:

  • An air strike by Israeli forces on August 9, 2017, damaged two schools located northwest of Gaza City, according to OCHA.[1193]

  • OCHA reported that, during fighting in early December 2017, Israeli air strikes hit two schools, causing minor damage, and a Palestinian projectile damaged Ghazi al-Shawa public school in Beit Hanoun, Gaza, when it fell short of Israel.[1194]

  • OCHA also reported that a rocket launched from Gaza into Israel damaged a kindergarten in Sderot, Israel, on December 10, 2017.[1195]

Attacks on school students, teachers, and other education personnel

There were more than 100 reported attacks on students, teachers, and other education personnel in the West Bank during the reporting period. Reports indicated that ISF detained and harassed students and teachers on their way to school, at checkpoints, and on school premises, and that Israeli settlers threatened and harassed students and teachers. Clashes that injured students were concentrated in areas of Jerusalem, Nablus, Jenin, and Hebron, and cases of settler intimidation were particularly common in areas of Hebron, such as al-Tuwani. There were also two attacks on Israeli school buses.

In 2013, the UN reported 32 attacks on students and teachers, most of whom were detained, arrested, or harmed in clashes with Israeli forces on their way to or from school. The UN also reported 15 cases of settler violence that targeted school children and teachers with physical assaults and other means.[1196] For example:

  • On April 25, 2013, 8 students between the ages of 6 and 16 were injured when they inhaled teargas as they left school in the midst of clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces during a search-and-arrest operation in Abu Dis, Jerusalem, according to OCHA.[1197]

  • UNICEF reported that Israeli settlers were responsible for injuring 30 students and 6 teachers on April 30, 2013, when they attacked a Palestinian school bus near Nablus city.[1198]

  • On December 9, 2013, 15-year-old Palestinian Wajih al-Ramahi was shot and killed by Israeli forces as he left the UNRWA school in Jalazone refugee camp. Human Rights Watch reported that a group of boys and men had gathered, and some were throwing stones at the soldiers. It was not clear whether al-Ramahi threw stones and, according to Human Rights Watch, there was no clear justification for the soldiers' use of live ammunition.[1199]

According to media sources, in 2013, unknown individuals were responsible for two attacks on Israeli school children riding or waiting for school buses, including one in the West Bank and one near the Gaza border:

  • Unknown individuals reportedly threw a Molotov cocktail at a bus full of Israeli students on November 19, 2013, in the West Bank.[1200]

  • A rocket fired by unknown attackers landed near a school bus stop near Ashkelon city in the Southern district of Israel on December 23, 2013. No one was harmed.[1201]

A similar number of attacks on students and educators occurred in 2014, despite the escalation of violence. As in previous years, these attacks were concentrated in the West Bank. UNICEF reported 36 attacks on Palestinian students and teachers by Israeli forces and 10 attacks by Israeli settlers in 2014.[1202] The majority of these incidents included the arrest and detention of individuals on their way to or from school. These types of attacks described by the UN or media sources included the following:

  • On January 4, 2014, an Israeli settler physically attacked and injured a 12-year-old Palestinian girl on her back and stomach while she was on her way to school in Silwan, Jerusalem, according to OCHA.[1203]

  • A similar attack occurred on April 12, 2014, when settlers assaulted and injured two girls, one age 12 and one 13, while they were on their way to school in al-Tuwani village, Hebron.[1204]

  • Israeli police detained an 11-year-old boy outside his school on November 24, 2014, a second 11-year-old boy as he was leaving school on December 21, 2014, and a 12-year-old boy as he waited for the bus to go home from school on December 8, 2014. In each case the police alleged that the students had thrown stones at them. They detained, interrogated, and mistreated the boys, denying them access to family members, humiliating them, shouting abusive language, and denying them food, before finally releasing them.[1205]

According to the UN, violence by Israeli settlers and Israeli forces that targeted Palestinian students and school staff was slightly more common in 2015 and continued in forms similar to previous years. The UN documented 46 attacks and threats of violence against students and teachers, which included the following:1206

  • OCHA reported that in mid-April 2015, during clashes with Palestinians, Israeli forces shot and injured a 13-year-old girl with rubber bullets as she was on her way home from school in East Jerusalem.[1207]

  • UNICEF reported that, during the second quarter of 2015, a 10-year-old boy from al-Razi School in Shu'fat in East Jerusalem was on his way home from school when Israeli forces shot him with a rubber bullet, causing him to lose his left eye.[1208]

  • Israeli forces chased school boys from Taqu Secondary School in Bethlehem and fired teargas canisters at them, according to UNICEF.[1209]

  • UNICEF reported that on at least three occasions, on September 7, 9, and 17, 2015, Israeli forces threatened school personnel and students in Nablus in order to elicit information from them on stone throwers.[1210]

  • In October 2015, Israeli settlers reportedly harassed and intimidated protective-presence volunteers who were stationed in locations around Hebron, including near schools, to monitor violations against the civilian population. On October 22, 2015, in Hebron's Old City, an unidentified person hung posters with photos of the education volunteers, which requested that settlers and Israeli forces act against them and stated that "the persons in these photos are here to harm Israelis for anti-Semitic reasons. DEAL WITH THEM."1211

Attacks on students and education personnel followed similar patterns in 2016. UNICEF reported 118 incidents in 2016 that met GCPEA's definition of attacks on students and education personnel.[1212] The Palestinian Ministry of Education reported that Israeli forces killed 26 students and one teacher, injured 1,810 students and 101 teachers, and arrested 198 students and education personnel.[1213] Examples included the following:

  • According to OCHA, clashes between Palestinians and ISF injured 10 Palestinian students in Hebron in late January 2016; 19 female Palestinian students in Hebron and Jaba' village in Jenin in mid-April 2016; and 40 Palestinian students at al-Khalil School in Hebron, all due to teargas inhalation.[1214]

  • On March 16, 2016, a group of settlers assaulted six students who were returning from school in Yatta, West Bank, according to UNICEF.[1215]

  • UNICEF reported that on August 29, 2016, Israeli forces assaulted and temporarily detained four students from 'Urif Secondary School for Boys as they were on their way home from school.[1216]

  • In late October, Israeli settlers injured a boy who was on his way to school in the occupied area of Hebron city.[1217]

Also in the West Bank, media reports indicated that unidentified individuals attacked two school buses carrying Israeli school children in 2016:

  • On May 21, 2016, an unidentified person fired shots at a school bus full of Israeli teenagers near Gush Etzion, a settlement south of Jerusalem. 1218

  • On June 5, 2016, an unidentified assailant threw iron projectiles at a bus full of Israeli school children near the Palestinian town of Huwara.[1219]

In 2017, Save the Children reported eight attacks on Palestinian students and education personnel, 39 incidents in which Israeli forces arrested or detained students or education personnel at school, and 114 cases in which students or teachers were delayed at checkpoints on the way to schools or because of military presence in or around schools.[1220] Examples of the different types of violations included the following:

  • In one incident on an unknown date in 2017, Israeli soldiers reportedly assaulted and detained a student for an hour at Abu Al-Reesh checkpoint in Hebron.[1221]

  • In mid-February 2017, two clashes near schools in Qalqiliya city and Bizzariya village in Nablus injured five students, according to OCHA.[1222]

  • OCHA also reported that Israeli settlers assaulted and injured a 14-year-old Palestinian girl on her way to school in Hebron in mid-April 2017, and the headmaster of Qurtuba School in Hebron in mid-May 2017.[1223]

Military use of schools and universities

Israeli forces and unidentified armed groups used dozens of schools as bases, to store weaponry, and for a variety of other purposes, including in several cases as strategic points from which to protect Israeli settlers.[1224] This represented a higher number of incidents than were reported between 2009 and mid-2013, when six cases of military use were documented. Most cases of military use of schools were reported in the West Bank during 2014.

During 2013, UNICEF reported 12 cases of military use. Among these, Israeli security personnel forcibly entered the Haj Ma'zoz Al Masri School in Nablus, in the northern West Bank, six times, reportedly to protect Israeli settlers as they visited a nearby religious site. They damaged the building each time, breaking the locks and doors.[1225]

According to the UN and a report by Scholars at Risk, there were 22 cases of military use of schools and universities in the West Bank during 2014, and Israeli forces entered five UNRWA schools without permission.[1226] UNICEF reported that, in the West Bank, Israeli forces declared schools to be closed military zones and used them as detention and interrogation centers, and in 15 cases as locations from which to protect Israeli settlers as they visited religious sites.[1227] In three cases, Palestinian groups used UNRWA schools in Gaza to store rockets, and Israeli forces used one government school in Gaza for military purposes, according to UNICEF.[1228] Cases of military use included the following:

  • During the first quarter of the year, Israeli forces used al-Tabaqa Basic Mixed School in Hebron as an overnight detention center.[1229]

  • Human Rights Watch found that military forces had used three schools for military operations in mid-June 2014, after a Palestinian kidnapped and killed three Israeli teenagers. The soldiers slept in the schools and left behind live bullets and unsanitary facilities.[1230]

  • According to Scholars at Risk, Israeli troops converted academic buildings on the campus of Birzeit University in Ramallah into barracks on June 19-22, 2014, as they searched the university and confiscated student property.[1231]

  • The UN Security Council reported that in Gaza during July 2014, unspecified parties used three UNRWA schools to store weaponry: Gaza Beach Elementary Co-educational "B" School, Jabalya Elementary "C" and Ayyobiya Boys School (considered one school), and Nuseirat Preparatory Coeducational "B" School.[1232] The UN found weaponry at all three schools, as well as military plans written on chalkboards and boards used as beds at the Nuseirat Preparatory Coeducational "B" School.[1233]

Reported military use of schools declined after 2014. UNICEF documented three cases of military use of schools in the West Bank during 2015 and 2016 – one by armed Palestinians and two by Israeli forces – and media reported Israeli military use of one university. These incidents included the following:

  • On March 11, 2015, armed Palestinians forcibly entered Balata Boys School in the West Bank, took over, and demanded that students evacuate.[1234]

  • In Jenin, Israeli security forces entered Zebdeh Secondary School for Boys and used its rooftop to monitor the Israeli checkpoint near the school during the first quarter of the year.[1235]

  • According to OCHA, Israeli forces used the roof of the 'Awarta Village Secondary School for several hours to protect settlers while they visited a religious site in late January 2016. This use damaged the school's doors.[1236]

Attacks on higher education

Israeli forces, unidentified assailants, and Palestinian Authority security forces entered and searched universities, injured and killed university students during clashes, and threatened, harassed, and detained Palestinian students in dozens of incidents that affected hundreds of students. The number of such attacks, which were concentrated in Gaza and the West Bank, increased in 2014, after which several dozen incidents reportedly affected higher education each year. The attacks occurred at higher rates than those reported in Education under Attack 2014.

In 2013 there was at least one attack on higher education, which occurred during clashes between Palestinian students and Israeli forces. OCHA reported that on November 17, 2013, a group of Palestinians, including students from al-Quds University in Jerusalem, threw stones at Israeli soldiers who were guarding Israeli workers conducting maintenance on the separation barrier next to the university. During the clashes that followed, Israeli forces fired teargas and sound bombs toward the university, injuring 32 people and damaging university property.[1237]

The number of attacks on higher education rose significantly in 2014 from previous years. The UN, NGOs, and media reported four instances in which Israeli forces entered West Bank universities during 2014, and the damage or destruction of 14 universities in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge.[1238] GCPEA also identified one report of an attack on a professor of higher education, who was shot at by unidentified assailants. For example:

  • In June 2014, according to Scholars at Risk, Israeli forces entered four Palestinian universities in their search for three missing Israeli teenagers, damaging buildings and property, destroying education materials, and confiscating personal student data.[1239] The universities included the following:

    – Birzeit University in Ramallah on June 19-22, 2014, also mentioned above in the section on military use

    – The Arab American University in Jenin on June 20, 2014

    – Palestine Polytechnic University in Hebron on June 22, 2014

    – al-Quds University in Jerusalem, also on June 22, 2014

  • According to local news sources, unidentified assailants shot at Abd al-Sattar Qasim, a professor at al-Najah National University in the northern West Bank, in August 2014, as he left his home. He was reportedly unharmed in the incident.[1240]

  • Among the universities damaged or destroyed during Operation Protective Edge, Scholars at Risk reported that the Islamic University suffered considerable damage on August 2, 2014, when Israeli forces fired a missile at the campus. The Israelis contended that Hamas was using the institution for military purposes, although the university denied allegations of military use. The attack significantly damaged the facilities.[1241]

In 2015, both Palestinian security forces and ISF entered Palestinian universities in the West Bank in several dozen instances, where they threatened, harassed, or detained several hundred Palestinian university students, according to the UN, Human Rights Watch, and media reports.[1242] These threats and instances of harassment represented an increase in the reported number of students and professors affected by attacks on higher education, which had previously affected mainly infrastructure. Arrests by Palestinian security forces came in response to participation in student political parties and elections.[1243] In addition, the US State Department and other sources reported several instances of Israeli forces targeting students with live fire, rubber bullets, teargas, and other means. Examples included the following:

  • Palestinian security forces arrested 25 students from several universities, including Birzeit University in Ramallah, after student council elections on April 22, 2015.[1244] Among those arrested was Jihad Salim, a student representative of a Hamas-affiliated group at Birzeit University, who reported that Palestinian security forces arrested, beat, interrogated, and denied him access to basic necessities for 24 hours on April 25, 2015.[1245]

  • Israeli forces reportedly entered and searched Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie in Tulkarim multiple times in October, November, and December 2015, in addition to occupying the university.[1246] For example, Israeli forces reportedly injured 87 students when they attempted to dispel protests at the university using live fire, rubber bullets, and teargas between December 16 and 20, 2015.[1247]

  • Israeli forces also injured dozens of students using teargas, rubber bullets, and sound bombs at al-Quds University in Jerusalem on October 28 and November 2, 2015.[1248]

Incursions by Israeli forces on Palestinian universities occurred with similar frequency during 2016, with more than a dozen reported instances that harmed approximately 100 people. Throughout the year, OCHA and media reports documented incidents of Israeli forces entering and searching Birzeit University in Ramallah, the Arab American University of Jenin, Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie in Tulkarim, and al-Quds University, which was searched at least four times.[1249] Palestinian security forces were responsible for arresting a Palestinian professor in one incident. For example:

  • On November 17, 2016, Israeli forces entered and searched Palestine Technical University-Kadoorie, breaking the doors of a computer lab, damaging several computers, and stealing recordings from university security cameras.[1250]

  • On November 19, 2016, Israeli forces spent three hours on the campus of al-Quds University. During the operation, they damaged or stole all the books, magazines, and stationery being sold at a book fair to benefit low-income students.[1251] OCHA reported that there was at least one additional incident at al-Quds University in November 2016.[1252]

  • Palestinian security forces arrested at least one professor, political science scholar Abdul Sattar Qassem, in response to remarks he made in a television interview about limits on presidential terms in February 2016.[1253]

Similar patterns of violence continued in 2017, including searches by Israeli forces on Palestinian university campuses and the arrest of at least one Palestinian professor. These incidents included the following:

  • Ma'an News Agency reported that on April 13, 2017, ISF searched the town of Abu Dis in Jerusalem, clashing with Palestinian students at al-Quds University. Rubber-coated steel bullets fired by Israeli forces injured six students, and 18 other Palestinians inhaled teargas.[1254]

  • On May 14, 2017, according to Amnesty International, Israeli forces arrested Ahmad Qatamesh, a professor of political science, at his home in Ramallah. He was detained without charges for three months until his release on August 13.[1255]

  • Ma'an News Agency reported that Israeli forces detained Tareq Rabie, a former member of the Hamas-affiliated Islamic bloc student group. The search and Rabie's detention led to clashes outside of Birzeit University, and Israeli forces opened fire, injuring 11 Palestinian youths.[1256]

  • On December 14, 2017, Israeli forces entered and searched Birzeit University in Ramallah. They detained the university's security personnel, smashed the door to the student council building, and confiscated computers, flags, banners, microphones, speakers, leaflets, and brochures, according to media sources.[1257] Ma'an News Agency reported that Israeli forces had previously searched the campus on January 11, 2016.[1258]

1131 Human Rights Watch, World Report 2016, Israel/Palestine chapter.

1132 "Yesh Din presents UN Security Council with figures on how Israel handles ideologically motivated crime against Palestinians," Yesh Din, May 7, 2016.

1133 Human Rights Watch, World Report 2017, Israel/Palestine chapter.

1134 Jodi Rudoren, "Palestinian Gets 3 Life Sentences in Killing of Israeli Teenagers," New York Times, January 6, 2015. Isabel Kershner, "New Light on Hamas Role in Killings of Teenagers That Fueled Gaza War," New York Times, September 4, 2014.

1135 Peter Beaumont, "Palestinian boy Mohammed Abu Khdeir was burned alive, says official," Guardian, July 5, 2014.

1136 Dalia Hatuqa, "Am I My Brother's Keeper? How the disappearance of three Israeli boys in the West Bankis upending Palestinian politics," Foreign Policy, June 24, 2014.

1137 Rudoren, "Palestinian Gets 3." Kershner, "New Light."

1138 Human Rights Watch, World Report 2017, Israel/Palestine chapter. OCHA, "Gaza Blockade,"

1139 For example, see Human Rights Watch, World Report 2016, Israel/Palestine chapter.

1140 Human Rights Watch, World Report 2015, Israel/Palestine chapter. UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/69/926-S/2015/409, paras. 98.

1141 Save the Children, Attacks on Education, p. 15. "Israel 'ready for escalation' of Gaza conflict," BBC, July 8, 2014.

1142 HRC, "Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, on her mission to Israel*," A/HRC/35/30/Add.1, June 8, 2017, paras. 63, 65. HRC, "Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, on her mission to the Occupied Palestinian Territory/State of Palestine*," A/HRC/35/30/Add.2, June 8, 2017, para. 55.

1143 Information shared by an international humanitarian organization via email, December 2017. According to OCHA, education-related violations affected 30,000 students in the West Bankin 2016 alone. "Right of education for 1 million Palestinian children at risk," OCHA, September 11, 2017.

1144 Information shared by an international humanitarian organization via email, February 2018.

1145 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/68/878S/2014/339, para. 83.

1146 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/68/878S/2014/339, para. 83.

1147 UNICEF, Annual CAAC Bulletin-2013, p. 7.

1148 UNICEF, Annual CAAC Bulletin-2013, p. 5. "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 30 April-6 May 2013," OCHA, May 9, 2013. "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 8-21 October 2013," OCHA, October 25, 2013.

1149 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 23-29 September 2014," OCHA, October 3, 2014.

1150 UNICEF, Annual CAAC Bulletin-2013, p. 7.

1151 "Bomb Thrown at Kindergarden in Tuba-Zangariya," Israel National News, January 27, 2013," as cited in START, GTD Global Terrorism Database 201301260027.

1152 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2014, p. 4. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2014: Israel and the State of p. 5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2014, p. 6. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Fourth quarter of 2014, p. 4.

1153 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2014, p. 4. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2014, p. 5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2014, p. 6. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Fourth quarter of 2014, p. 4.

1154 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 25 February-3 March 2014," OCHA, March 7, 2014.

1155 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/69/926S/2015/409, para. 84.

1156 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/69/926S/2015/409, para. 84.

1157 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 23-29 September 2014," p. 1.

1158 Itay Blumenthal, "Three far-right activists admit to burning Jewish-Arab Jerusalem school," Ynetnews, December 11, 2014.

1159 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/69/926S/2015/409, para. 98.

1160 UN Security Council, "Letter dated 27 April 2015 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council," S/2015/286, April 27, 2015, paras. 16-44. UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/69/926-S/2015/409, paras. 99-100.

1161 HRC, "Report of the detailed findings of the independent commission of inquiry established pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution S-21/1," A/HRC/29/CRP.4, June 4, 2015, paras. 423-443. "Israel: In-Depth Look at Gaza School Attacks," Human Rights Watch news release, September 11, 2014.

1162 "Israel: In-Depth Look."

1163 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/69/926S/2015/409, para. 106. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2014, p. 6. "Operation 'Protective Edge' Day 14: IDF Says Seven More Israeli Soldiers Killed Over Past 24 Hours (LIVE UPDATES)," Algemeiner, July 21, 2014" as cited in START, GTD 201407210078.

1164 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2014, p. 6.

1165 "Operation 'Protective Edge.'"

1166 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2014, p. 7.

1167 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2014, p. 7. HRC, "Report of the detailed findings," para. 81.

1168 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Fourth quarter of 2015: Israel & and the State of Palestine (Jerusalem, UNICEF, 2016), p. 4.

1169 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/70/836S/2016/360, para. 76.

1170 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2015: Israel and the State of Palestine (Jerusalem: UNICEF, 2015), pp. 3-4. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2015: Israel and the State of Palestine (Jerusalem: UNICEF, 2015), p. 4. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2015: Israel and the State of Palestine (Jerusalem: UNICEF, 2015), p. 4.

1171 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1172 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2015, p. 5.

1173 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1174 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1175 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1176 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2015, p. 5.

1177 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 13-19 October 2015," OCHA, October 22, 2015, p. 2.

1178 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/72/361S/2017/821, para. 94.

1179 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2016, pp. 5-6. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2016, pp. 4-5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2016, p. 5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Fourth quarter of 2016, p. 6.

1180 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2016, pp. 5-6. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2016, pp. 4-5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2016, p. 5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Fourth quarter of 2016, p. 6.

1181 "Appeal to all national and international institutions to intervene to protect the educational process: Report on the violations of the occupation in 2016", Statement from the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education, February 28, 2017.

1182 "Wide-scale demolitions in Khirbet Tana," OCHA, March 4, 2016.

1183 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 24 May-6 June 2016," OCHA, June 9, 2016.

1184 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2016, p. 5.

1185 "Protection of Civilians Report: 4-17 October 2016," OCHA, October 20, 2016.

1186 Yaakov Lappin, "ISIS affiliated terror group takes credit for Gaza rocket attack," Jerusalem Post, July 2, 2016. "Gaza rocket hits southern Israel: army," APA, July 2, 2016. "Gaza rocket hits Israeli city, none wounded: army," Peninsula Qatar, July 2, 2016.

1187 Information shared by an international humanitarian organization via email, February 2018.

1188 Information shared by an international humanitarian organization via email, February 2018.

1189 "Two more Palestinian schools under threat," Norwegian Refugee Council, November 15, 2017.

1190 OCHA, Humanitarian Needs Overview: occupied Palestinian territory (Jerusalem: OCHA, September 2017), p. 11.

1191 Information shared by an international humanitarian organization via email, February 2018.

1192 "Protection of Civilians Report: 7-20 November 2017," OCHA, November 23, 2017.

1193 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 1-14 August 2017," OCHA, August 14, 2017, p. 2.

1194 "Protection of Civilians Report: 5-18 December 2017," OCHA, December 21, 2017, p. 1.

1195 "Protection of Civilians Report: 5-18 December 2017," p. 1.

1196 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/68/878S/2014/339, para. 83.

1197 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 23-29 April 2013," May 3, 2013.

1198 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-July 2013: Israel and the State of Palestine (Jerusalem: UNICEF, July 2013), p. 4.

1199 "Israel: No Evidence."

1200 Tova Dvorin, "Soldier Describes Firebomb Attack on School Bus," Israel National News, November 19, 2013.

1201 "Stabbing of Israeli policeman seen as part of terror spree," Jewish Telegraphic Agency, December 23, 2013.

1202 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2014, pp. 4-5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2014, pp. 5-6. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2016, p. 6.

1203 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 31 Dec 2013-6 Jan 2014," OCHA, January 10, 2014, p. 2.

1204 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 8-14 April 2014," OCHA, April 17, 2014, p. 2.

1205 "Israel: Security Forces Abuse Palestinian Children," Human Rights Watch news release, July 19, 2015.

1206 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/70/836S/2016/360, para. 76.

1207 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 31 March-13 April 2015," OCHA, April 16, 2015, p. 1.

1208 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1209 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1210 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1211 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Fourth quarter of 2015, p. 5.

1212 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2016, pp. 5-6. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2016, pp. 4-5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2016, p. 5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Fourth quarter of 2016, p. 6.

1213 "Appeal to all national and international institutions."

1214 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 26 January-1 February 2016," OCHA, February 5, 2016. "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 12-18 April 2016," OCHA, April 21, 2016. "Protection of Civilians Report: 20 September-03 October 2016," OCHA, October 6, 2016.

1215 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2016, p. 6.

1216 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2016, p. 5.

1217 "Protection of Civilians Report: 1-14 November 2016," OCHA, November 17, 2016.

1218 Michael Bachner, "Terrorists Open Fire on Israeli School Bus in Drive-By Shooting," Breaking Israel News, May 22, 2016.

1219 Michael Zeff, "Two Buses Attacked by Terrorists at Close of Jerusalem Day," Breaking Israel News, June 6, 2016.

1220 Information shared by an international humanitarian organization via email, February 2018.

1221 Information shared by an international humanitarian organization via email, February 2018.

1222 "Protection of Civilians Report: 7-20 February 2017," OCHA, February 24, 2017.

1223 "Protection of Civilians Report: 4-17 April 2017," OCHA, April 20, 2017. "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 2-15 May 2017," OCHA, May 18, 2017.

1224 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/69/926S/2015/409, para. 103.

1225 UNICEF, Annual CAAC Bulletin-2013, p. 7.

1226 UN General Assembly and Security Council, "Report of the Secretary-General," A/69/926S/2015/409, para. 103. Scholars at Risk Network, Academic Freedom Monitor, Birzeit University/Arab American University/Al-Quds University-Palestine, June 22, 2014.

1227 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2014, p. 4. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Second quarter of 2014, p. 5. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2014, p. 6. UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Fourth quarter of 2014, p. 4.

1228 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-Third quarter of 2014, p. 6.

1229 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First quarter of 2014, p. 4.

1230 GCPEA, Lessons in War 2015: Military Use of Schools and Universities during Armed Conflict (New York: GCPEA, May 2015), p. 23.

1231 Scholars at Risk Network, Academic Freedom Monitor, Birzeit University/Arab American University/Al Quds University, June 22, 2014.

1232 UN Security Council, "Letter dated 27 April 2015," S/2015/286, Annex, paras. 1h, 1j, 60.

1233 UN Security Council, "Letter dated 27 April 2015," S/2015/286, Annex, paras. 49-82.

1234 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First Quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1235 UNICEF, CAAC Bulletin-First Quarter of 2015, p. 4.

1236 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 12-25 January 2016," OCHA, January 28, 2016.

1237 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 12-18 November 2013," OCHA, November 21, 2013.

1238 Information shared by an international humanitarian organization, February 2018.

1239 Scholars at Risk Network, Academic Freedom Monitor, Birzeit University/Arab American University/Al-Quds University, June 22, 2014.

1240 "Gunmen open fire at Nablus university professor," Ma'an News Agency, August 5, 2014.

1241 Scholars at Risk Network, Academic Freedom Monitor, Islamic University, August 2, 2014.

1242 A full list of references can be found on GCPEA's website,

1243 For example, Scholars at Risk Network, Academic Freedom Monitor, Birzeit University, May 7, 2015.

1244 "Palestine: Students Detained for Political Opinions," Human Rights Watch news release, May 7, 2015.

1245 "Palestine: Students."

1246 OCHA, "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 3-9 November 2015," November 13, 2016. Amira Hass, "At Palestinian University, Israeli Army Says No to Wall That Would Ease Tension," Haaretz, December 12, 2015.

1247 "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 3-9 November 2015," OCHA, November 13, 2016. US State Department et al., "Israel and the Occupied," p. 93.

1248 US State Department et al., "Israel and the Occupied Territories 2015 Human Rights Report," p. 93.

1249 A full list of references can be found on GCPEA's website,

1250 "Israeli forces raid al-Quds University, damage contents of book fair for the needy," Ma'an News Agency, November 20, 2016.

1251 OCHA, "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 15–28 November 2016," December 2, 2016. "Israeli forces raid al-Quds University, damage contents of bookfair for the needy," Ma'an News Agency, November 20, 2016.

1252 OCHA, "Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 29 November – 12 December 2016," December 15, 2016.

1253 Budour Youssef Hassan, "Palestinian Authority arrests dissident professor," Electronic Intifada, February 5, 2016.

1254 "Israeli forces raid Abu Dis, injure 6 al-Quds university students with rubber bullets," Ma'an News Agency, April 13, 2017.

1255 "Urgent Action Victory! Palestinian University Professor Released," Amnesty International news release, August 22, 2017.

1256 "11 Palestinians injured with live fire after clashes erupt near Birzeit University in Ramallah," Ma'an News Agency, July 15, 2017.

1257 "Birzeit University denounces early-morning campus raid by Israeli military," Birzeit University, December 14, 2017. "R2E Campaign denounces Israeli Occupation's Raid on Birzeit U's campus," Right to Education Campaign, December 15, 2017. "Israeli forces 'wreak havoc' in Birzeit University raid," Ma'an News Agency, December 14, 2017.

1258 "Israeli forces 'wreak havoc'."Birzeit University condemns Israeli 'military attack' on campus," Ma'an News Agency, January 11, 2016.

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