Título Question of the establishment, in accordance with the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, of a body to which persons claiming the benefit of the Convention may apply
Versión en inglés Question of the establishment, in accordance with the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, of a body to which persons claiming the benefit of the Convention may apply
Fuente ONU: Asamblea General
Fecha de publicación 10 Diciembre 1974
Temas Apatridia | Determinación de la condición de refugiado / Procedimientos de asilo
Cita A/RES/3274(XXIX)
Referencia Twenty-ninth Session
Otros idiomas / Archivos adjuntos Arabic | Chinese | French | Spanish
Citar como ONU: Asamblea General, Question of the establishment, in accordance with the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, of a body to which persons claiming the benefit of the Convention may apply, 10 Diciembre 1974, A/RES/3274(XXIX), disponible en esta dirección: https://www.refworld.org.es/docid/4af14c382.html [Accesado el 3 Octubre 2022]
Comentarios Adopted at the 2311th plenary meeting, 10 Dec. 1974; In: Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during its 29th session. Volume 1, 17 September-18 December 1974. - A/9631. - 1975. - p. 92-93. - (GAOR, 29th sess., Suppl. no. 31).