Last Updated: Thursday, 29 September 2022, 11:15 GMT

Norway: Landinfo - Country of Origin Information Centre

Landinfo works to provide accurate, objective, sourced and up-to-date information on immigrants and asylum seekers' countries of origin, for use by the immigration and integration authorities in Norway. Their main objective is to meet the information requirements of the Norwegian migration authorities, but their collection of information and services may also assist others involved in these issues.  Website:
Selected filters: Children-at-risk
Showing 1-2 of 2 results
The Situation of Children in Iraq and Returning Unaccompanied Minors

10 April 2014 | Publisher: Norway: Landinfo - Country of Origin Information Centre | Document type: Country Reports

Somalia: Vulnerability, minority groups, weak clans and individuals at risk

21 July 2011 | Publisher: Norway: Landinfo - Country of Origin Information Centre | Document type: Query Responses

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