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Denmark as a Donor

Danish Contributions to UNHCR 

In 2017, Denmark signed a five-year agreement with UNHCR, committing to continue providing flexible funding and providing support to innovative solutions.

Denmark has consistently been a top donor to UNHCR. In 2020, it was the 6th biggest donor and the second largest donor per capita.

Key facts about Denmark as a UNHCR donor 

  • During the Global Refugee Forum, Denmark pledged DKK 50 million per year in 2020 and 2021 for UNHCR’s development of innovative solutions.
  • Denmark contributes DKK 50 million to UNHCR’s Emergency Reserve Fund at the start of every year.
  • In 2020, Denmark contributed a total of USD 101 million to UNHCR, of which USD 34.6 million was unearmarked.
  • Denmark also contributed USD 14.6 million to UNHCR’s coronavirus emergency response in 2020.
  • Denmark’s thematic focus areas: Solutions and Innovation.

For more information on Danish and Nordic and Baltic funding, follow us on Twitter.

Denmark's contributions to UNHCR by country in 2020

Visit our reporting pages to see more contribution data from Denmark.

Opening doors to higher education

Denmark supports refugee education

Read more about the impact of Denmark’s contributions