For Valentin, statelessness meant 'a lifetime proving I exist'

After a 12-year legal battle, a young man from North Macedonia has finally received a nationality and can start building the life he always dreamed of.

16 Sep 2022

Stateless Rohingya continue to struggle for survival in Myanmar

Five years after 700,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh, and a decade after intercommunal violence rocked Rakhine State, those who remain live in a state of limbo.

25 Aug 2022

UNHCR applauds Liberia for removing gender discrimination from its nationality law

11 Aug 2022

UNHCR lauds Philippines' accession to 1961 statelessness convention

25 Mar 2022

Stateless girl in Croatia dreams of having "papers"

Without documents proving her nationality, nine-year-old Medina risks being excluded from education, health care and travel.

9 Mar 2022

'I think of refugees as a testament to the strength and goodness of the human spirit'

New Zealand's first ever refugee Member of Parliament, Golriz Ghahraman, reflects on how her refugee background has helped her navigate political life.

7 Mar 2022

Scale up support to Iran to safeguard fleeing Afghans, says UNHCR's Grandi

21 Dec 2021

Without documents, women at high risk of gender-based violence

UNHCR is advocating for women and girls in South Africa to acquire identity documents which can help reduce the risk of statelessness, and physical and psychological abuse.

15 Dec 2021

UNHCR: World must turn COP26 words into action for forcibly displaced and stateless people

12 Nov 2021