
The challenge of helping child refugees in Libya overcome trauma

With refugee and migrant children in Libya in desperate need of psychological support, UNHCR is doing what it can to help despite a volatile situation.

28 Jan 2020

Suicides on the rise among South Sudanese refugees in Uganda

Mental health initiatives offer space for refugees and people where they live to overcome pain and isolation – and prevent more deaths.

24 Jan 2020

UNHCR's Priorities for the next Irish Government

The Irish General Election takes place on 8th February. In recent years, the government has streamlined the application process for asylum-seekers and introduced a number of improvements to the direct provision system as recommended by the 2015 McMahon report. However, work remains to be done in a number of key areas. UNHCR has six calls to the next government to better protect refugees

24 Jan 2020

Abducted mum finally finds safety in Finland, but yearns to see children again

"I can't remember when life was last as good as this," says Nakout. After years of abuse, she now dreams of reuniting with children who thought she was dead.

22 Jan 2020

Key takeaways from the Global Refugee Forum

A month after the historic meeting wrapped up, these are the pledges and commitments that will boost opportunities for refugees and their hosts.

17 Jan 2020

Long way home for displaced Sudanese as fears of insecurity persist

UNHCR calls for increased funding and global support for Sudan's displaced, their hosts and those who want to return home.

14 Jan 2020

For one man, fifth exile from north-east Syria drains all hope

Mustafa and his family have fled to Iraq five times since the start of the Syria crisis, but having lost his home and business in the latest violence he fears for their future.

9 Jan 2020

Innovative programme helps lift Venezuelan refugees out of poverty

Training, mentorship in entrepreneurship and seed money help Venezuelans who lost everything start over in Ecuador.

3 Jan 2020

Relocation flights give Venezuelans a new lease on life in Brazil

By flying thousands of Venezuelans out of a remote Amazonian state to cities with better job prospects, an 'interiorization' programme helps refugees get off to a fresh start.

27 Dec 2019