Children: Over half the world’s refugee population is made up of children.

Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: In many parts of the world, minorities and indigenous persons can be victims of severe human rights violations.

Women: Women can be especially vulnerable to abuse in mass displacement situations.

Youth: Having fled war or persecution, displaced youth are thrust into an uncertain world.

LGBTIQ+ persons: We work to protect LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum-seekers everywhere.

Men: Men and boys can find themselves neglected or dismissed during times of displacement.

Persons with disabilities: Persons with disabilities remain largely invisible or forgotten in their uprooted communities.

Older persons: During times of displacement, older persons have urgent rights and needs.

Bangladesh. Rohingya girls attend a youth club in Kutupalong refugee camp

Age, Gender and Diversity

For decades, UNHCR has applied an age, gender and diversity (AGD) approach to its work to ensure equality in decision making and in the provision of services as well as to create meaningful partnerships. 

Learn more about UNHCR's commitments on Age, Gender and Diversity here

Policies and Resources: