Special Features

Our Christmas wish 2021? #AimingHigher

Our 2021 Christmas Calendar focuses on sharing inspirational stories of refugee students in university and highlighting important initiatives that allow more refugees to receive the life-changing gift of higher education.

Our Christmas wish 2020? #FamiliesTogether

How would you feel if you had been separated from your spouse or your children – and didn’t know whether you would ever be able to see them again? This is the harsh reality for many refugee families. Revisit our Christmas Calendar … 

Our Christmas wish for 2019? #SolidarityInAction

Refugee hosting countries are showing solidarity with refugees all around the world. During the time of the first ever Global Refugee Forum, we highlight the stories of #SolidarityInAction from around the world this holiday season. 

World Refugee Day 2021

See how we celebrated the resilience and strength of refugees and highlighted the efforts made by welcoming communities on refugee inclusion across the region.

Opening doors to higher education

With a pledge at the Global Refugee Forum in 2019 and a direct contribution to DAFI, UNHCR’s Refugee Scholarship Programme, Denmark is supporting refugee education, ensuring that more young refugees can go to university.

“Coffee with cardamom”

In May 2021, on the World Day for Cultural Diversity, which is also the Memorial Day of National Communities of Lithuania, UNHCR hosted a joint event with Jonava municipality in Lithuania.

A Summer Camp for All

The Estonian Refugee Council’s annual summer camp in 2020 allowed refugee and migrant children to experience Estonian summer camps just like any other Estonian child.