難民申請(なんみんしんせい)をされる方(かた)へ Hotline for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

For details, please click here/PDFのご案内(あんない)はこちら 



World Health Organization’s Information on COVID-19 can be accessed from here

Immigration Services Agency (ISA) also has a webpage with general information related to the Coronavirus, while the information is not specific to asylum-seekers and refugees.

For assistance information related to the new Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit this dedicated webpage by JAR.



出入国在留管理庁(しゅつにゅうこく ざいりゅうかんり ちょう)も新型(しんがた)コロナウィルスに関連(かんれん)するページを開設(かいせつ)しています。難民認定申請者(なんみんにんていしんせいしゃ)・難民(なんみん)の方(かた)に特化(とっか)した情報(じょうほう)ではありません。



For Refugees and Asylum Seekers

UNHCR Japan provides counseling to refugees and asylum seekers through its project partner, Japan Association for Refugees (JAR)

Please call JAR between 10am- 5pm Mon-Fri (Except national holidays)

TEL: 03-5379-6003 / Email: [email protected]

(Toll-free number is usable from certain telephones – TEL: 0120-477-472)

In order to contribute to the prevention of further spreading of the new Coronavirus, UNHCR Japan staff members are, in principle, working from home. If JAR is not available, or if you wish to contact UNHCR for other purposes than individual counseling (which JAR provides), please call between Mon – Fri 10am-5:30pm.

Protection Unit, UNHCR Representation in Japan*
TEL: 03-3499-2075 / Email: [email protected]




TEL:03-5379-6003 / Email: [email protected]

フリーダイヤル: 0120-477-472も一部(いちぶ)の電話(でんわ)から使(つか)えます。



UNHCR駐日事務所 法務部(ちゅうにちじむしょ ほうむぶ)
TEL: 03-3499-2075 / Email: [email protected]