Thankful to the citizens in Hong Kong, the UNHCR office here has been receiving unfailing support from the public for its refugee work worldwide. In 2007, UNHCR started private sector partnerships’ operation in Hong Kong. Fund raised in Hong Kong is transferred to the headquarters which is responsible for allocating financial resource to different UNHCR operations worldwide. The allocation of funds is determined according to priority of needs. UNHCR plans its programmes and global budget based on a comprehensive needs assessment of the people of concern to the UN refugee agency.
UNHCR 2020 Global Report at a Glance
Your money helps UNHCR provide protection, shelter and other forms of assistance, and advocacy on behalf of displaced and stateless people every year. We ensure that as many funds as possible are redirected to refugees, stateless persons and asylum-seekers. 85 per cent of all funds raised go directly to field operations. 7 per cent is allocated for global programmes, helping refugees, internally displaced people, asylum seekers and stateless people under the UNHCR mandate around the world, and 8 per cent is for headquarters administration. UNHCR staff work as closely as possible with and for people forced to flee, with 90 per cent of our workforce based in field locations. For further details on UNHCR’s budget, read our Global Report.