Contact us

UNHCR Representation in Syria

Street Address

Abdullah Bin Rawaha street, Kafarsouseh,

Mailing Address: 30891, Damascus, Syria

+963 11 2181 2000

[email protected]

Working Hours:
Sunday – Thursday: 08:30am – 16:00pm





Contact Information for the Media


Vivian Tou’meh, Communications Officer

Email: [email protected]

Office Phone: +963 11 2181 2141

Mobile: +963 988 098 860


Official Holidays:

New Year’s Day                  Sunday 03 January 2021

Independence Day             Sunday 18 April 2021

Easter (Catholic)                  Sunday 4 April 2021

Easter (Orthodox)               Sunday 2 May 2021

Eid Al Fiter                            Thursday 13 and Sunday 16 May 2021   

Eid Al Adha                           Tuesday 20 July and Wednesday 21 July

Hijri New Year                    Monday 9 August 2021

Prophet’s Birthday             Monday 18 October 2021

Christmas Day                     Sunday 26 December 2021