
Blanket delivery offers some warmth for refugees waiting to cross Ukraine border

As conflict deepens suffering inside Ukraine, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is scaling up cross-border aid from Poland with the support of partners like NEEKA.

21 Mar 2022

Polish border town welcomes refugees from Ukraine, but will itself need help

'These refugees have lost almost everything. We need to help them. Even if that means we'll have to learn to live with less,' says mayor of Medyka, a primary crossing point for refugees.

16 Mar 2022

Refugees fleeing Ukraine to Moldova find onward passage to Romania

As transfers are arranged to ease the pressure on Moldova of hundreds of thousands fleeing conflict, UNHCR staff are on hand to help refugees facing an uncertain future.

15 Mar 2022

Imagining Syria

With nearly two million Syrian refugee children aged 11 or under having little or no memory of home, we asked some of them to draw what Syria means to them.

15 Mar 2022

University dorm in western Ukraine offers escape for fleeing families

With nearly 2 million people forcibly displaced within Ukraine, UNHCR and its partners are responding to the dire humanitarian needs with shelter and other forms of aid.

11 Mar 2022

Ukrainian family confronts new reality of life as refugees

After an arduous journey to safety, two-month-old Andrii is among the youngest of more than 2 million refugees from Ukraine, but his aunt already looks forward to the day he can return.

10 Mar 2022

Community workers brave the odds to help survivors of violence in DR Congo

Lidia Ajuwa is among a group of workers who travel miles to reach survivors of sexual violence and attacks on displaced communities in eastern DRC, linking them with vital assistance.

10 Mar 2022

Stateless girl in Croatia dreams of having "papers"

Without documents proving her nationality, nine-year-old Medina risks being excluded from education, health care and travel.

9 Mar 2022

Costa Rican and asylum-seeking women come together to save cacao plantation

An all-women's cacao collective has brought support to its septuagenarian founder and much-needed income to its members, including asylum seekers from Nicaragua.

8 Mar 2022