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UNHCR | Donate to protect refugees from the Coronavirus pandemic

Urgent Appeal Coronavirus (COVID-19): No one is safe until everyone is safe

COVID-19 is a situation unlike anything we’ve faced before. The coronavirus pandemic has affected us all, but it has had a devastating impact on refugees and other people forced to flee. Thousands have fallen ill. Millions have lost their jobs and are struggling to meet their basic needs. Refugees are isolated and scared. 

To end the pandemic and keep everyone safe, everyone needs to be included in the response efforts. Now that vaccinations against COVID-19 have started, we must ensure the most vulnerable are included too. 

And that’s why we need your help to act now.

Around the clock, UNHCR teams are determined to continue to stay and deliver lifesaving support to refugees and displaced people in countries like Bangladesh, Yemen, and Syria. With your help, we can:

- Continue strengthening health and water, sanitation, and hygiene services
- Support access to vaccines through cold chain support, personal protective equipment for vaccinators, training of staff and preparation of health care facilities
- Provide cash assistance to protect incomes and livelihoods
- Respond to gender-based violence and promote mental health
- Communicate and engage with communities
- Help restore education for refugee children 

But we can’t tackle this pandemic alone. Refugees need your help more than ever before. We will only overcome this crisis if we unite and help the most vulnerable refugees together.

Please donate today.

As the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi says, “the worst of crises requires the best of humanity.” Thank you for being the best of humanity by donating today.

Coronavirus emergency image
Coronavirus emergency

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Summary of donation information

Your support will help UNHCR save lives by delivering life saving support wherever and whenever it’s needed most.


Per month could help to recruit a nurse supporting the COVID-19 response in refugee camps


Could provide cash assistance to a vulnerable family affected by COVID-19


Could provide a refugee family with a hygiene kit to help them protect from COVID-19 transmission

Monthly gifts help us save more families forced to flee. By making a monthly donation to UNHCR, you will provide refugees with ongoing relief and protection and help them regain hope for a better future.