How it works

Connecting Worlds uses best-in-class technology, along with a team of trained moderators, to deliver a safe, secure, connection for both donors and refugees. We’ll match you with a refugee based on your interests, gender and the kinds of conversations you’d like to have. You can even choose the length of time you’d like to remain in communication.

Throughout the experience, you’ll be able to learn more about UNHCR’s work and life in your connection’s country of residence, via the in-app News From the Field feature.

Supporting Cash Assistance in Jordan

By participating in Connecting Worlds, you’ll not only be contributing your time and words, you’ll also make a monthly donation to provide an entire refugee household with cash assistance every month. The monthly payments to help refugees pay for essentials like rent, food, clothing, heating, transport and education. For many refugees, this cash is a lifeline – providing much needed funds to help ease the long-term stress of poverty.

The donations made via Connecting Worlds go towards our cash assistance programme in Jordan, supporting refugees like those participating in this programme and many more. At least 98% of this donation goes straight to refugees, allowing UNHCR to provide secure funding for families month after month.

In Jordan, UNHCR supports 33,000 families with cash assistance. More than 50% of those households are headed by women, who are both caregivers and providers for their families, without the opportunity of work or a sustainable income.

The refugees we support tell us that cash assistance is more than just a vital source of income. It’s an opportunity for independence, a way to protect against violence and, perhaps most importantly, a route to self-respect and dignity. Cash empowers refugees to make – and take – the decisions that are important to them.

For refugee families awaiting cash assistance in Jordan your help can make all the difference.

To learn more about Connecting Worlds contact [email protected]