Law (0) Policy (1) Strategy (2) Other (5)


1992 - Decree of 1992 on the Providing for Dislocated Persons (Montenegro) (No.37/92)

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions no
Institutional focal point yes (see part II)
Funding mechanism yes (see article 22)
Data collection mechanism yes (see articles 5, 10, 11 and 12)
Guiding Principles no

Additional comments: 1. “Dislocated persons” refers to persons from former Yugoslav republics that fled to the Republic of Montenegro, hence, both refugees and IDPs; 2. Depending on the translation, the title of the decree vary: ‘Decree on status assistance for displaced persons” or “Decree on Care for Displaced Persons” , for example.

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2005 - Strategy for Resolving the Issues of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Montenegro

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see page 56 point 9)
Funding mechanism yes (see page 55 point 8)
Data collection mechanism yes (see page 19 point 4, page 44 point 6.1, page 51 point 7 and page 56 point 9)
Guiding Principles no

Refers to: the Decree on status assistance for displaced persons” (Official Gazette No. 37/92), also called “Decree on Care for Displaced Persons” or, as it is included in this database: “Decree of 1992 on the Providing for Dislocated Persons (Montenegro)”; Additional comments: 1.IDPs are persons coming from Kosovo and Metohija, which was part of the same country unti the independence of Montenegro in 2006; 2. also called: “National Strategy for Durable Solutions for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Montenegro”.

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2011 – The Strategy for Durable Solutions of Issues Regarding Displaced and Internally Displaced Persons in Montenegro, with Special Emphasis on the Konik Area (Refers to: “National Strategy for Durable Solutions for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Montenegro”, or as it is included in this database: “Strategy for Resolving the Issues of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Montenegro” (2005); as well as the “Action Plan for Resolving the Status of Displaced Persons from Ex-Yugoslavian Countries and Internally Displaced Persons from Kosovo Residing in Montenegro” (2009), which is abrogated by the Strategy (2009); Law on Amending the Law on Foreigners (November 2009); Decree on the Manner of Exercising the Rights by Displaced Persons” from the Former Yugoslav Republics and Internally Displaced Persons From Kosovo Residing in Montenegro (July 2010); Additional comments: “IDPs” refers here to persons coming from Kosovo, even though Montenegro is an independent state since 2006)



2014 – Decree on the Proclamation of the Foreigners Law( No. 56/14 dated December 24, 2014) (Includes amendments up to: 2015)

2010 – Decree No.03-6378 of 2010 on the Manner of Exercising the Rights by Displaced Persons from the Former Yugoslav Republics and Internally Displaced Persons from Kosovo Residing in Montenegro (Additional comment: IDPs are persons coming from Kosovo, but it is not part of the same country since the independence of Montenegro in 2006)

2009 – Action Plan for Resolving the Status of Displaced Persons from Ex-Yugoslavian countries and Internally Displaced Persons from Kosovo Residing in Montenegro (Abrogated by the Strategy for Durable Solutions of Issues Regarding Displaced and Internally Displaced Persons in Montenegro, with Special Emphasis on the Konik Area (2009);Additional comment: IDPs are persons coming from Kosovo, but it is not part of the same country since the independence of Montenegro in 2006)

2006 – Decision No.03-5393 of 2006 on the Temporary Retention of the Status and Rights of Displaced and Internally Displaced Persons in the Republic of Montenegro (Additional comment: IDPs are persons coming from Kosovo, but it is not part of the same country since the independence of Montenegro in 2006)

2005 – Decision No.01-915 of 2005 on Issuing of Health Booklets for Refugees and IDPs (Additional comment: IDPs are persons coming from Kosovo, which was part of the same country until the independence of Montenegro in 2006)