Sustainable Groundwater Management for Refugee Camps in Dadaab, Kenya (UNHCR and Université de Neuchâtel, 2013)

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Create DateOctober 13, 2015
Last UpdatedApril 1, 2016

Sustainable Groundwater Management for Refugee Camps in Dadaab, Kenya (UNHCR, 2013)Publishers: UNHCR and Université de Neuchâtel
Year: 2013
Close to half a million refugees live in Dadaab, Kenya and rely on groundwater from the Merti Aquifer.  Preliminary hydrogeological mapping indicates over exploitation of the fresh water aquifer could result in salt water intrusion, which would put the security of water supply for the refugee camps and host population at risk.  UNHCR together with University of Neuchâtel has embarked on a comprehensive study of the Merti Aquifer including remote monitoring, and numerical modelling of the aquifer in order to develop a sustainable groundwater management plan for the aquifer which supplies water to all the  refugee camps in Dadaab, Kenya.

Sustainable Groundwater Management for Refugee Camps in Dadaab, Kenya (UNHCR, 2013) Download