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2014 - Law of Georgia on Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories of Georgia (No. 1982-IIS)

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause yes
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see articles 16 and 24)
Funding mechanism yes (see article 21)
Data collection mechanism yes (see articles 4 and 24)
Guiding Principles no

Abrogates: the Law concerning Internally Displaced People of 1996 (and its amendments).

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1996 - Law of the Republic of Georgia Concerning Internally Displaced People (No.335-II S)

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see article 8)
Funding mechanism yes (see article 10)
Data collection mechanism no
Guiding Principles no

Amended: on the 09.06.2006 (amendment – #3289: “Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Internally Displaced Persons”); on the 06.04.2005 (amendment – # 1235: “Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Internally Displaced Persons”) and on the 18.12.2001 (amendment – #1199: Law of Georgia on amendments to the “Law of Georgia ; on Internally Displaced Persons”); Repealed by: the Law of 2014.

Download here (amendments of the law)


2007 - Decree #47 of the Government of Georgia On Approving of the State Strategy for Internally Displaced Persons - Persecuted

Definition no
Non-discrimination clause partially
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance no
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see Chapter VII – page 13)
Funding mechanism no
Data collection mechanism no (see Chapter VI – page 12)
Guiding Principles yes

Related to: the Decree No.854 (4/12/2008).

Download here

2009 – Order of Georgian Government No.403 ‘On the Approval of an Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strate Strategy for Internally Displaced Persons – Refugees in 2009-2012″ (Related to: the Decree No.575; Revision of the Decree No.489 (2008); annually reviewed cf. Decree No.551 (2001); Decree 1162 (2012); Decree No.240 (2013) and Decree No.483 (2013))



2017 – 2017-2018 Action Plan for the Implementation of the IDP State Strategy

2013 – Decree No.287 “Approval of the Internally displaced persons – Recognition as IDP, Granting IDP status and IDP” (Related to; the Law on IDPs (1996))

2013 Decree No.794 “About implementation of activities concerning registration of IDPs (granting of the new sample of IDP certificate)”

2013 – Order No.102 “About the Registration of Internally Displaced People on the temporary living place (adressing)” (Minister of Internally Displaced People from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia)

2013 – Decree No.240 “Approval of the 2012-2014 Action Plan for the Implementation of the State Strategy on IDPs “Amendment to the decree No.1162 June 13,2012 of Government of Georgia” (Related to: the Decree No.1162 (2012))

2012 – Election Code of Georgia (including amendments as of 2012)

2012 – Decree No.1162 “Approval for the 2012-2014 Action Plan for the Implementation of the State Strategy on IDPs” (Related to: Decree No.240 (2013))

2012 – Law of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara on Elections of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara (Includes amendments amade on August 2012) – Sub-national Law

2010 – Decree of the Georgian Government No.575 “Regarding the amendment of the Govenrment Decree No.403 of 28 May, 2009 about “Adoption of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the State Strategy on IDPs during 2009-2012” (Related to: the Decree No.403)

2009 – Order of Georgian Government No.489 “On the Approval of an Action Plan for the Implementation of State Strategy for Internally Displaced Persons – Refugees”  (Related to: the Decree No.47 (2007) and No.854 (2008); reviewed by Decree No.403 (2009) and annually updated cf. Decree No.551 (2011))

2007 – Law of Georgia “on Property Restitution and Compensation for the Victims of Conflict in the Former South Ossetian Autonomous District in the Territory of Georgia”