Law (0) Policy (2) Ongoing (1) Strategy (4) Other (11)


2017 - Policy Framework for Returnees and IDPs

Definition no
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence no
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance no
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see point III – page 7)
Funding mechanism yes (see point III – page 8)
Data collection mechanism yes (see points V and VI page 10)
Guiding Principles no

Refers to: the National Policy on Internally Displaced Persons (2013) and the Comprehensive Voluntary Repatriation and Reintegration Strategy (2015).

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2013 - National Policy on Internally Displaced Persons

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause yes
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters yes
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  yes
Prevention yes
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see pages 21 and 22)
Funding mechanism yes (see pages 53 and 54)
Data collection mechanism yes (see pages 18 and 22)
Guiding Principles yes

Refers to: the “Law on Disaster Response Management and Preparedness” (2012); Version of June 2013 available in English and Dari.

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In Afghanistan, the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation, with the support of UNHCR, is currently developing the “Return and Reintegration Response Plan – 2018”. In addition, the “Technical Procedure for the Provision of Land to  Returnees and IDPs” which aims to replace the Presidential Decree No.104 “On Land Distribution for Housing to Eligible Returnees and IDPs”, was endorsed in principle by the Cabinet beginning of 2018, but the document is still with the Independent Land Authority (Arazi), waiting for its final adoption. Finally, the Government of Afghanistan is also foreseeing to revise the “National Disaster Management Strategy“ (2015).


2007 - Refugees, Returnees and IDPs Sector Strategy for the year 1387-1391 (2007/08 – 2012/13)

Definition no
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters yes
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see pages 47 to 49, Annex I)
Funding mechanism yes (see page 51 , Annex III)
Data collection mechanism yes (see page 40)
Guiding Principles no

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2003 - IDP Strategy for Afghanistan

Definition no
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters yes
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  yes
Prevention yes
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see part on “key actors”)
Funding mechanism no
Data collection mechanism yes (see part on “key Strategies and Interventions”)
Guiding Principles yes

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2015 – National Disaster Management Strategy 

2008 – Afghanistan National Development Strategy (2008-2013)