Syria Protection Analysis Updates

Syria’s civilian population bears the brunt of a decade-long conflict, compounded by worsening humanitarian and economic conditions. More than ten ...
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Global Protection Technical Forum Report

Every year, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) organises its Global Protection Forum to convene its field coordinators, partners, and key ...
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Syria Protection Sector Update: Al-Hol Camp, June 2022

Al-Hol camp in north-east Syria (NES) was established in the early 1990s under emergency conditions to receive Iraqis seeking safety ...
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Ethiopia Protection Analysis Update

While the State of Emergency in Ethiopia has been formally lifted by the end of February 2022, ongoing hostilities in ...
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GPC Protection Funding Mid Year Review 2022

For the second year in a row, the Global Protection Cluster has led analysis on a mid-year stocktake of Protection ...
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Central Sahel Protection Monitoring Report 2021

Le Sahel central (Burkina Faso, Mali et Niger) est l’épicentre d’une des crises humanitaires et de protectionles plus graves au ...
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South Sudan Protection Analysis Update

Recent conflicts in Tambura, Abyei, Unity State and other areas coupled with climatic shocks such as the unprecedented flooding in ...
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GPC Peer Exchange Webinar- Collaborative Advocacy by Humanitarian and Human Rights Actors: How to better manage the tensions between Advocacy and Operational Access?

As a part of the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW), the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) and the GPC’s Advocacy ...
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Statement on the Human Trafficking Response in Ukraine

The Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Anti-Trafficking, in cooperation with the Ukraine Protection Cluster, expresses our concern at the ...
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Advocacy Note on the Protection of LGBTIQ+ in Ukraine

The International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB) is marked annually on 17 May to raise global awareness of ...
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Explosive ordnance in Syria: Impact and Required Action

Explosive ordnance (EO) puts one in two people in Syria at risk of death and injury and impedes the delivery ...
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Northern Ethiopia Protection Analysis Update

The conflict that broke out in November 2020 in the Tigray region and which has expanded into the Amhara and ...
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Press Release – Ukraine: Millions of displaced traumatised and urgently need help

GENEVA (5 May 2022) - UN human rights experts* and the Global Protection Cluster Coordinator are alarmed by the scale of ...
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Sudan Protection Analysis Updates

In 2021, the protection landscape changed significantly with the departure of UNAMID and the military coup d’état on 25th October ...
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Borno State Protection Analysis Update

As the conflict between the Government of Nigeria (GoN) and Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in North-East Nigeria enters its 12th ...
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IAWG Newsletter: GPC Information & Analysis Pillar Updates – January 2022

Protection Analysis A Protection Analysis Updates tracking tool has been developed in order to better coordinate the progress of PAU ...
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Narino Colombia Protection Analysis Update

The Protection Cluster in Colombia recently published its Protection Analysis Update for the Departamento de Nariño. This document is intended ...
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Human Rights Engagement Task Team – Newsletter #5 March 2022

We are thrilled to share with you the Task Team’s newsletter covering January to March 2022. We hope you enjoy ...
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Joint Tri-Cluster Briefing Note for Afghanistan Pledging Conference

Afghanistan remains today one of the world’s most acute and complex humanitarian emergencies, after over 40 years of continued crisis ...
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Cameroon Protection Updates

The Protection Cluster in Cameroon recently published its monthly protection updates for the Far North and North West South West ...
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Conflict Sensitivity Policy Brief

Conflict sensitivity is the capacity of an organisation to understand its operating context, understand the interaction between its interventions and ...
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Guidance for Field Protection Clusters and AoRs on Preparedness for Protection in the context of Climate Change and Disasters

The Global Protection Cluster (GPC) is committed to ensuring that field Protection Clusters, Areas of Responsibility (AoRs) and wider partners ...
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oPt Protection Analysis Update

Women and girls in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) are facing increasing and disproportionate impacts of the worsening humanitarian and ...
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Making Arbitrary Displacement a Crime: Law and Practice

UNHCR and the GPC Task Team on Law and Policy launched a new paper providing guidance, practical examples and concrete ...
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Global Protection Update – Leaving Known Ones Behind? March 2022

In the first quarter of this year, Protection Clusters reported a major increase of (1) impediments to freedom of movement ...
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Joint-Advocacy Briefing Note from the Shelter/NFI, CCCM and Protection Clusters Yemen Pledging Conference

After more than seven years of war and economic crisis, Yemen remains one of the world’s top humanitarian crises. More ...
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Ukraine Crisis – Protection Updates

Protection Snapshots The Protection Cluster in Ukraine publishes regular Protection Snapshots on the Ukraine Crisis:  Ukraine Response - Protection Snapshot, ...
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Afghanistan Protection Analysis Update

The people of Afghanistan are facing a humanitarian, human rights and protection crisis. The numbers are overwhelming: 97% of Afghans ...
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GPC Annual Report 2021

The Annual Report outlines the work carried out by the GPC in 2021 to protect and improve the lives of ...
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Cameroon Protection Updates

The Protection Cluster in Cameroon recently published its monthly protection updates for the Far North and North West South West ...
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Ituri Protection Analysis Update

In Ituri Province, the security and protection situation continues to deteriorate due to the intensification of activities of armed groups ...
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Haiti Protection Analysis Update

In 2021, the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince experienced an unprecedented and rapid expansion of gang violence which aggravated the humanitarian ...
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Somalia Protection Analysis Update

Conflict, climatic shocks, natural disaster, and forced eviction are the major drivers of displacement that have led to a complex ...
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GPC commitments and recommendations ahead of the Global Disability Summit

Persons with disabilities experiencing a humanitarian crisis are at elevated risk of rights violations due to attitudinal, institutional, physical and ...
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Haiti Under Gang Control: The Uprising of Sexual Violence

The Representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is in charge of co-chairing the protection sector alongside the ...
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Tillaberi: Western Niger’s Protection of Civilians Crisis

Conflict dynamics in Niger are changing, including in the Tillaberi region, which has recently been experiencing intercommunal tensions, mass killings ...
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Colombia Protection Analysis Update December 2021

The Protection Cluster in Colombia recently published two Protection Analysis Updates for the Departamento de Chocó and Departamento de Norte ...
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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The Global Protection Cluster joins persons with disabilities around the world today in celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities ...
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Centrality Of Protection In Humanitarian Action 2020 Review

The 2020 Review by the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) of the Centrality of Protection in Humanitarian Action comes at a ...
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Iraq Protection Analysis Update October 2021

Several years after the end of the conflict with the Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant (ISIL), it is ...
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Afghanistan Protection Analysis Update October 2021

The Protection Analysis Update published by the Protection Cluster in Afghanistan presents the protection situation in the country since 15 ...
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Statement: GPC calls for concrete action to protection civilians in Sudan amidst political crisis

29 October 2021 The political crisis unfolding in Sudan will have severe human costs for millions of conflict-affected and displaced ...
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Colombia Can Only Be Compared With Colombia

In September 2021, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) conducted a mission to support the National Protection Cluster (NPC) in Colombia ...
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Collaborative advocacy between humanitarian and human rights actors: opportunities and challenges

There is general acknowledgement among humanitarians that addressing the complex protection threats against civilians affected by armed conflict requires a ...
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oPt Protection Analysis Update August 2021

The most serious escalation of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza since the 2014 conflict took place ...
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Conflicts of Volcanic Magnitude: The Democratic Republic of the Congo

October 2021 Publication “On est ensemble” -- we are in it together. Everyone who has been to the Democratic Republic of ...
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DON’T I MATTER – Global Protection Update September 2021

“This crushing feeling of being alone. No one knows. No one cares. No one is willing to go one extra ...
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GPC Afghanistan Media Monitoring Brief

Objectives   With the overall objective of better guiding and supporting the ongoing operations and activities in Afghanistan, the GPC is launching a media monitoring to:   ...
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Statement on the Protection of Civilians in Dara’a al-Balad, Syria

02 Sep 2021 Since 24 June, the situation in Dara’a in Southern Syria remains tense with indiscriminate shelling and intensified ...
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Burkina Faso Protection Analysis Update August 2021

We are pleased to share with you the Protection Analysis Update between the months of April and June recently published ...
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Joint Statement – Humanitarians protecting people in the climate change emergency

19 August 2021 This year on World Humanitarian Day, humanitarians in different parts of the world tackle the climate change ...
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Afghanistan Protection Analysis Update August 2021

We are pleased to share with you the Quarter 2 Protection Analysis Update recently published by the Protection Cluster in ...
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Mali Protection Analysis Update July 2021

We are pleased to share with you the new Protection Analysis Update covering the period of January to June 2021, ...
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GPC Human Rights Engagement Task Team Newsletter June 2021 #2

The second issue of the GPC Human Rights Engagement Task Team’s Newsletter April - June 2021 here ...
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Statement on Ceasefire in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region

02 July 2021 The Government of Ethiopia’s announcement of a unilateral ceasefire in the Tigray region is a positive step ...
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PROTECTION FUNDING – Where do we stand mid-year 2021? A spotlight on funding for local actors

In the first half of 2021, protection risks continued unabated with over 200 million people impacted by conflicts and disasters ...
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RENEWING THE BOND – Global Protection Update June 2021

Human rights are universal, inalienable, and indivisible.  At anytime and anywhere. Mid-way through 2021, all our operations relay one clear, ...
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ETHIOPIA PROTECTION CLUSTER STRATEGY 2020-2022 The Ethiopia Protection Cluster Strategy arises from a workshop in which numerous members of the ...
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Ethiopia Humanitarian Country Team (EHCT) Protection Strategy01 August 2019 – August 2021 (Updated August 2020, endorsed October 28,2020)

Ethiopia Humanitarian Country Team (EHCT) Protection Strategy01 August 2019 – August 2021 (Updated August 2020, endorsed October 28,2020) The members ...
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Global Protection Cluster Statement on a Mid-Year Stocktake on Protection Funding in 2021

23 June 2021 In response to the first Mid-Year Stocktake on Protection Funding for humanitarian responses in 2021, William Chemaly, ...
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THE FIERCE URGENCY OF NOW: Ensuring that people are protected, and no one is left behind in Cameroon

The invisibility of crises in Cameroon is reaching frighting levels for those stuck in or fleeing from them. Humanitarian resources ...
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GPC Human Rights Engagement Task Team Newsletter May 2021

GPC HRE TT Newsletter_Issue#_Jan-April 2021 ...
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Brussels Pledging Conference 2021: Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region, Key Messages

Download the Whole of Syria Protection Sector key advocacy messages for the Fifth Brussels Conference - Supporting the Future of ...
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Technical segment – 12-16 April 2021

Global Protection Forum 2021 The technical segment of the Global Protection Forum is dedicated to field cluster coordinators, AoRs coordinators, ...
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Yemen Protection Brief, January 2021

Download the file Almost six years ago, Yemen slipped into a deadly conflict that provoked the worst humanitarian crisis in ...
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Global Protection Update: February 2021

Global Protection Update: February 2021 In 2020, on the frontlines of conflicts, disasters and climate change, COVID-19 became a crisis ...
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Tropical Storm Chalane Flash Update – Mozambique

Following landfall of Tropical Storm Chalane in Mozambique on December 30th, the Global Protection Cluster is working with teams on ...
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Recording: The State of Protection in the COVID-19 Era

In the margins of the public health and economic crises with which the world has contended through 2020, COVID-19 ultimately ...
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Nearly 40 million at heightened risk of violence, discrimination and rights abuses as Covid spawns a ‘coping crisis’

A new report reveals a severe deterioration in international efforts to protect the world’s most vulnerable people, with human rights ...
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An Introductory Guide to Anti-Trafficking Action in Internal Displacement Contexts

 Trafficking in persons remains the single largest rights violation exacerbated in times of crisis in which the humanitarian community does ...
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Aftershock: Abuse, exploitation & human trafficking in the wake of COVID-19

As the 20th Anniversary of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons was marked this week, this ...
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Yemen Protection Brief – October 2020

Get the latest updates about the protection situation in Yemen from the Yemen Protection Cluster. Read the brief here ...
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Protecting Children in Afghanistan – Advocacy, Action, and Accountability

Learn more about how HCT members and others can operationalise aspects of the UN SG's Report on Children Affected by ...
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MHPSS and Protection Outcomes

On behalf of the Global Protection Cluster and the IASC Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support (MHPSS) reference group, we are ...
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(FORUM VIDEO) Contributing to Collective Protection Outcomes through the Nexus

Global Protection Forum 2020 Contributing to Collective Protection Outcomes through the Nexus ...
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(FORUM VIDEO) GBV Risk Mitigation Integration in Protection Work

Global Protection Forum 2020 GBV Risk Mitigation Integration in Protection Work ENGLISH SESSION: FRENCH SESSION: SPANISH SESSION: ...
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(FORUM VIDEO) Cash & Voucher Assistance: The Cash for Protection Agenda & Integration of GBV Risk Mitigation in Cash

Global Protection Forum 2020 Cash & Voucher Assistance: The Cash for Protection Agenda & Integration of GBV Risk Mitigation in ...
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(FORUM VIDEO) Protecting Victims of Trafficking

Global Protection Forum 2020 Protecting Victims of Trafficking 14 September 2020 ...
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(FORUM VIDEO) GBV/CP Coordination for Inclusion of Child and Adolescent Survivors of Sexual Violence

Global Protection Forum 2020 GBV/CP Coordination for Inclusion of Child and Adolescent Survivors of Sexual Violence, and Adapted Responses during ...
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(VIDEO) Virtual Launch of Stocktaking Paper on Cash and Voucher Assistance for Protection

Presentation PDF Date: Wednesday, 2 September 2020 Moderator: Andreas Papaconstantinou, Director Neighbourhood and Middle East, European Commission, Directorate-General for European ...
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Global HLP AoR Newsletter – September 2020 (the Forum Edition!)

Dear Members of the Housing, Land, and Property Area of Responsibility, We hope you are all safe and healthy in ...
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POLITICAL PARALYSIS & THE PANDEMIC Ensuring protection is delivered despite pandemic fatigue & blatant disregard for the civilian character of ...
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Global HLP AoR Newsletter – August 2020

This month includes pieces on displaced women’s HLP rights, shelter, livelihoods and natural resources, security of tenure, mine action, HLP ...
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Global Child Protection AoR Newsletter – July 2020

"Rising malnutrition is expected as 368.5 million children across 143 countries, who normally rely on school meals for a reliable ...
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Sexual Violence Shreds ‘Very Fabric That Binds Communities Together’, Special Representative Tells Security Council, Stressing Survivor-Centred Approach – 17 July 2020

Read the original press release here SG Report: Conflict-related sexual violence Sexual violence is used as a war tactic and ...
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GP20 Webinar: IDP data and evidence to prevent and address internal displacement, including to ensure durable solutions

Date: Thursday 23 July 2020 at 14:00 Geneva time Organized by the GP20 initiative, IOM, IDMC and UNICEF, this webinar ...
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(Communiqué de presse) Mali : les consequences de l’insecurité sur les populations civiles suscitent de vives inquieéudes dans le nord et le centre du pays

Communiqué de presse Mali : les consequences de l’insecurité sur les populations civiles suscitent de vives inquieéudes dans le nord ...
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Human Rights Council, 44th Session: Interactive Dialogues

Human Rights Council, 44th Session: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children - ...
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Global Protection Forum 2020: Technical webinar on the 2021 Humanitarian Programme Cycle

When: - 8th July, 1500-1730 (Geneva time): West and Central Africa, Southern Africa, Americas (link to connect) - 9th July, ...
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Presentation of reports of UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of IDPs to the UN Human Rights Council 44th session

The UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons, Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, presented two reports to the UN ...
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GBV/CP Coordination for Inclusion of Child and Adolescent Survivors of Sexual Violence, and Adapted Responses during COVID-19 – 31/Aug & 1/Sep 2020

Field Coordinators are key for effective collaboration between CP and GBV service providers. Coordinators support actors to address gaps, maximize ...
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THE COPING CRISIS:  The rise of adverse survival strategies   This Situation Report covers operational updates in the 32 countries where the Protection Cluster is active  ...
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Webinar Recording: How to use revamped GPC Community of Practice

Link to GPC Community of Practice: Held on 29 May, this was an informative and interactive presentation on how ...
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Upcoming webinars (week of 8 – 12 June 2020)

3 - 24 June 2020 Webinar Series and Discussion 'Land Rights Implications of COVID-19' : Online Discussion on the Land ...
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Overview: Webinar series ‘access and humanitarian protection’

Webinar series on exploring challenges and best practice for access and humanitarian protection, April-June 2020 Humanitarian protection is often the ...
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Webinar Recording: Access and Protection – Negotiating Access for Humanitarian Protection

On 28 May, the second session of the webinar series on 'access and protection' focused on challenges that practitioners face ...
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Webinar Recording: Approaches to Isolation, Quarantine and Prevention Measures in a COVID-19 Context

The webinar discussed practices being piloted or considered in the field, including quarantine, isolation, shielding or creation of a ‘green ...
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Webinar Recording: Access and Humanitarian Protection – Restricted and COVID-19 operational contexts

On 22 April, the first session of the webinar series on 'access and protection' brought together a panel of experts ...
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COVID-19 : FORCED EVICTIONS This Situation Report covers operational updates in countries where the Protection Cluster is active Source: COVID-19 ...
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Practices and considerations in a COVID-19 context Basic info Time and date: Friday, 01 May 2020, 15:30 – 17:00 (Geneva) ...
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COVID-19 : A HUMAN RIGHTS CRISIS ? This Situation Report covers operational updates in countries where the Protection Cluster is ...
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DIMINISHING PROTECTION SPACE This Situation Report covers operational updates in countries where the Protection Cluster/Sector is active Source: John Hopkins ...
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On the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, a group of leading United ...
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DIMINISHING PROTECTION SPACE This Situation Report covers operational updates in countries where the Protection Cluster/Sector is active. I- Emerging Trends: ...
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In operations where Protection Clusters, Sectors or Working Groups are active, over 4500 COVID-19 cases and 114 COVID-19 deaths have ...
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A first-hand account from William S. Chemaly, Global GPC Coordinator, Claudia Nicoletti, Yannick Creoff on behalf of the Protection Cluster ...
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GPC Coordinator, William Chemaly, provides a first hand account of the rapidly escalating humanitarian crisis in northern Burkina Faso Standing ...
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Launch of the 2020-2024 Global Protection Cluster Strategic Framework & the Child Protection Area of Responsibility Strategy Speakers: UNHCR Assistant ...
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New Global Protection Cluster Strategic Advisory Group

New Global Protection Cluster Strategic Advisory Group For a shared leadership and joint responsibility The Global Protection Cluster announced today ...
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The Future of Protection in the Nexus

On 22 October, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) has organized in partnership with PHAP an online session on the future ...
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Establishment of the Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Advisory Group (EORE AG)

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of civilian casualties from explosive ordnance. According to ...
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Protection Cluster Service Mapping Tool in Iraq

The Protection Cluster in Iraq launched a new service mapping tool “Services Advisor Platform”, which is ready to use. The ...
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Communique on Joint Operational Framework between the Global Health Cluster and the Global Protection Cluster

Rosa, age 7, holds her younger brother, Manuel, on the veranda of a guesthouse in Buzi. They are two of ...
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New Guidance: Words Into Action – Disaster Displacement

Guidance Words Into Action – Disaster Displacement As part of the Platform on Disaster Displacement’s efforts to ensure that future disaster ...
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NRC Training Manual for CSO on the Kampala Convention

NRC training manual for CSO on the Kampala Convention The training manual was developed with a view to reinforcing the ...
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Centrality Of Protection In Humanitarian Action 2018 Review

The Global Protection Cluster (GPC) has taken a lead role in 2018 in operationalising the centrality of protection, through improved ...
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New Paper on Advancing the Localisation Agenda in Protection Coordination Groups

This learning paper is the final product of the GPC and its AoRs’ localisation initiative. It aims to identify, describe ...
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Unit-Based Costing Methodologies For HRPs And Protection Clusters

Unit-Based Costing Methodologies For HRPs and Protection Clusters is out. This paper aims to stimulate thinking and initiate a discussion ...
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Discontinuation of the Task Team on Protection Mainstreaming

The GPC has decided to discontinue the Task Team on Protection Mainstreaming for the upcoming year. After many years of ...
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Conference on Extending Protection: Integrating anti-trafficking programming into existing mechanisms and strengthening systematic responses to support victims

The Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Anti-Trafficking in Humanitarian Action is pleased to announce an upcoming 2-day practitioner working ...
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Niger becomes the first country in Africa to adopt a national law for the protection and assistance of Internally Displaced Persons

On Monday, the National Assembly unanimously voted for the adoption of a national law for the protection and assistance of ...
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GP20 Events on IDPs: A Photo Exhibition, a Virtual Reality Experience and a Side Event

Two GP20 events on IDPs happening next week in Geneva during the 39th Human Rights Council session. They are both convened ...
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GPC Protection Conference 2018 Report

Each year the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) organises a Field Protection Clusters’ Retreat which brings together GPC partners from the ...
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New Report: Anti-Trafficking in Humanitarian Responses

Between October 2017 and June 2018, the Global Protection Cluster Anti-Trafficking Task Team conducted semi-structured interviews with Protection Cluster Coordinators, ...
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New PIM Training Resource Pack

A revised 2018 version of the ‘PIM Training Resource Pack’ is now available for download from the following link The Protection Information Management ...
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IASC Gender with Age Marker Officially Launched

The Gender with age marker has been officially launched at the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment in New York on June ...
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New Publication: Centrality of Protection in Humanitarian Action GPC 2017 Review

For the second year, the GPC reviewed global and field efforts to reinforce the centrality of protection in humanitarian action ...
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Up Coming Side Event; IN THEIR OWN WORDS

As part of the 38th session of the Human Rights Council related to internally displaced persons.A side event is co-organizing by ...
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International humanitarian law course for practitioners and policy-makers

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is organizing an international humanitarian law (IHL) course for humanitarian practitioners, to be held, ...
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Plan of Action

A multi-stakeholder Plan of Action has been launched this year, the 20th anniversary of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement ...
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New Publication: Civil-Military Coordination For Protection Outcomes

The current dynamics and conduct of armed conflict as well as the absence of effective mechanisms to mediate root causes ...
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Geneva Lunch Event of the Third edition of the Professional Standards of Protection Work

The Geneva launch of the third edition of the Professional Standards for Protection Work will take place on Monday, 30 ...
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Video Message by the South Sudan Protection Cluster Coordinator – April 2018

The people of South Sudan have suffered intense and protracted conflict. The beginning of 2017 saw the declaration of famine ...
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Briefing to the Security Council on Armed Conflict and Hunger

Please see the recent statement of the ERC to the Security Council on the connexion between conflict and famine and ...
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Whole of Syria East Ghouta message

The Whole of Syria Protection Sector calls for immediate and urgent action to protect hundreds of thousands of civilians, half ...
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GP20 Initiatives and Events

Dear colleagues, In 2018, the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement will mark their 20th anniversary. Because the Guiding Principles have ...
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Protection Mainstreaming Toolkit – Launch

The Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Protection Mainstreaming launched its Protection Mainstreaming Toolkit. In light of the IASC Policy ...
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Arabic Glossary on Humanitarian Terms

The terms and definitions in this glossary have been compiled from existing glossaries including from the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) ...
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GPC Somalia Country Briefing

The Global Protection Cluster (GPC) held a Somalia Country Briefing on 20th November at UNHCR Headquarters. The Deputy Special Representative ...
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Evaluation of UNHCR’s leadership of the Global Protection Cluster and Field Protection Clusters 2014-2016

This evaluation focuses on the performance of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as Cluster ...
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Land Rights and Mine Action – Key Messages

What is the role of Mine Action organisations in addressing land rights issues as part of their response to humanitarian ...
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Humanitarian Response Planning – GPC Quick Guide

Click here do download the Quick Guide on the Humanitarian Response Planning ...
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Mine Action and Land Rights – Webinar Recording

How do humanitarian mine action activities bring mine action organizations in direct contact with land right issues? On August, 30 ...
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Kasai Region GBV Advocacy Brief

Violence has recently erupted throughout the five provinces that make up the Greater Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of ...
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Briefing Note Update: Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen Special In-Focus on Yemen

Ongoing conflicts continue to give rise to serious protection challenges in northeast Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen. Conflicts in ...
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Integrating livelihoods and protection for displaced persons in urban humanitarian response

This guidance note is part of a larger project that seeks to provide guidance to practitioners and policy makers, at ...
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2017 HRP Protection Risk Analysis Review of Compliance, Impact and Monitoring

In 2017, the Whole of Syria ("WOS") protection sector proposed a shift from a "mainstreaming" approach to a strategy that ...
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GBV AoR Consultancy

The GBV AoR Coordination Team has developed several strategic documents that define the GBV AoR scope and strategic priorities for ...
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Cash and Protection Advisor

UNHCR seeks a maternity cover (August 2017 - September 2018) for its Cash and Protection Advisor. The Cash and Protection ...
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Yemen Update

The ongoing conflict in Yemen, compounded with cholera and pockets of famine, continues to increase the protection needs of an ...
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Consultancy Announcement: Mixed Migration Self-Learning Module and Component

The Mixed Migration self-learning module will be part of the certification programme (CP-IP) currently being developed by the Global Learning ...
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GPC Retreat Report & Protection Mainstreaming Side Event Notes

To read the GPC Annual Field Protection Cluster Notes click here and to access the Protection Mainstreaming Side Event Notes ...
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AAP EDG Note – Russian and Ukrainian versions.

The Protection and Accountability to Affected Populations in the HRP (EDG Preliminary Guidance Note) is now available in Russian and ...
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Protection Lab Scoping Study – initial findings

Can innovation practices enhance GPC's capacities in guiding, supporting and implementing protection programming? If so, could an innovation Lab help ...
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GPC Kassai Alert

1.27 million civilians have been forcibly displaced from Kasaï, Kasaï Central and Kasaï Oriental provinces, as well as neighbouring provinces ...
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WFP | Protection Guidance Manual

This manual provides an overview of protection in the context of WFP's operations and seeks to guide staff to better ...
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Kampala Convention: UN expert welcomes the establishment of the Conference of States Parties

HARARE (5 April 2017) – The Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons, Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, today welcomed ...
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Cadres normatifs sur le déplacement interne – Développements au plan mondial, régional et national

Ce document s'appuie sur un exercice de cartographie que l'Équipe de travail sur les lois et les politiques du Cluster ...
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Claiming and Understanding HLP Restitution in Myanmar

The restitution of housing, land and property rights after conflicts and periods of non-democratic governance are fundamental aspects of transitional ...
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Protection HLP Rights – Event Summary

The Global Protection Cluster (GPC) Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Area of Responsibility (AoR) organised a one-day global HLP event ...
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WRC Publication on Resilience-based Programming

The Women's Refugee Commission has released a new publication entitled Vulnerability- and resilience-based approaches in response to the Syrian crisis: ...
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GPC Review of Field and Global Clusters in 2016

As part of a review of 2016, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) and ProCap (the Inter-Agency senior protection capacity standby ...
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A dialogue with the GPC Coordinator

In a webinar organized by InterAction, Simon Russell, the newly appointed Global Protection Cluster (GPC) Coordinator gave his perspective on ...
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Q&A – The Centrality of Protection: HC and HCT

Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs) and Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) are responsible for ensuring that protection is central to humanitarian action. This ...
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GPC Alert – Protection of Civilians in Aleppo

The Global Protection Cluster calls for immediate action to protect people under intensified aerial bombardment over the last week in ...
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Working Group on the Protection of Humanitarian Action

Acts of violence affecting the delivery of aid are frequent in humanitarian settings, such as recently in South Sudan, Syria, ...
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Protection Lab Scoping Study

Can innovation practices enhance GPC's capacities in guiding, supporting and implementing protection programming? If so, could an innovation Lab help ...
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Centrality of Protection: Practical steps for Humanitarian Coordinators and Humanitarian Country Teams

This Note sets out practical steps that Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs) and Humanitarian Country Teams (HCTs) can take to ensure that ...
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GPC Retreat Report is now available

GPC Retreat Report 2016 ...
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GPC Funding Needs 2017

In order for the GPC to achieve its strategic objectives it is imperative to equip the GPC Operations Cell with ...
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GPC Regulatory Frameworks on Internal Displacement, 2016

This paper is based on a mapping exercise that the Global Protection Cluster (GPC)'s Task Team on Law and Policy ...
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New provisional guidance on HCT Protection Strategies

The aim of this guidance is to assist humanitarian Coordinators (HCs) and HCTs to develop a comprehensive and humanitarian system-wide ...
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GPC Alert | Protection of Civilians in South Sudan

Renewed fighting broke out on Friday, 8 July. Since then, hundreds of people have been killed, rapes have been reported ...
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Expert Statement on Internally Displaced Persons

A group of experts met at Georgetown University on June 9, 2016 to discuss progress since August 2015 in improving ...
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Internship Opening at the GPC Operations Cell

A new internship position has opened with the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) Operations Cell. The GPC Operations Cell assists the ...
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Special Rapporteur on the HR of IDPs releases report

The present report provides an account of the activities undertaken by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally ...
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WHS Side Event – Dilemmas and Opportunities in Frontline Humanitarianism: Principles, Protection and Proximity

With the support of the Global Protection Cluster (GPC), UNHCR and NRC will hold a side event at the World ...
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Preliminary Guidance Note on Protection and Accountability to Affected Populations

The IASC Emergency Directors Group has developed a preliminary guidance note on Protection and Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) in ...
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Cash-Based Interventions Tools for IDP Protection

Cash-Based interventions (CBIs), including cash and vouchers, provide a flexible mechanism for delivery of assistance that enables IDPs to meet ...
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The Importance of Addressing Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Challenges in Humanitarian Response

A new briefing by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent ...
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Join the GPC Communication Package on Protection Launch – What is Protection Anyways?

Oxfam – working on behalf of the Global Protection Cluster and with the generous support of ECHO – has developed ...
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GPC Convenes Meeting to Discuss Secretary-General’s Report for World Humanitarian Summit

The Global Protection Cluster convened a meeting at the offices of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva on ...
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New GPC Strategic Framework Closely Aligned with Priorities Emerging From the WHS

Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O'Brien in this video message welcomes the new GPC Strategic Framework which closely aligns with priorities ...
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GPC Launches New Strategic Framework 2016-19

Dr. Chaloka Beyani, Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Persons, in his message outlines the three key goals ...
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Volker Turk on the Launch of the GPC Strategic Framework

Volker Turk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, welcomes the launch of the GPC Strategic Framework. You can find the GPC ...
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Key Messages on the Zika Virus Response

In countries affected by the Zika virus where there are refugees, asylum-seekers and returnees governments should aim to ensure that ...
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The Global Protection Cluster (GPC)’s Task Team on Law and Policy conducted a mapping exercise to capture up-to-date information on countries with IDP laws and policies. Read More

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