Burkina Faso. A Malian refugee student plays the role of teacher at a school in Goudoubo camp
© UNHCR/Sylvain Cherkaoui
Submit a pledge
Prepare your pledge submission. Read the guidance on pledges and contributions - what they are and how to develop meaningful and concrete pledges, including joint pledges.
Submit your pledge to advance the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) by using the online form. Your pledge will be featured on the Pledges & Contributions dashboard on this platform, joining a community of hundreds of other States, organizations, businesses, refugees and other actors in support of the Global Compact.
Join the conversation
Connect with others whose pledges, contributions, and projects, big and small, are changing the lives of refugees and their hosts for the better. You could explore matching other pledges with your own and share regular updates on the progress of your pledge implementation.