
Four years after the signing of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the country continues to face multiple challenges. At least 6.7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance as at 2021. Increased territorial control by armed groups – particularly in isolated rural areas – has escalated the conflict and added to the existing needs. This escalation has manifested in the increased killing of social leaders, massacres, confinements and forced displacements, natural disasters, and the arrival of refugees and migrants. The most affected departments are La Guajira, Cauca, Norte de Santander, Arauca, Córdoba, Chocó, Nariño, Putumayo, and Guaviare. ?

Since 2020, there has been a fragmentation of armed groups and organised crime groups seeking greater territorial control of strategic areas to conduct drug trafficking. The increased violence – especially in rural areas – has created significant protection concerns. Between January 1–March 31 2021, violence related to 65 mass displacement events left 27,435 people displaced. These figures represent a 96% increase in mass displacement events and a 177% increase in the total number of people displaced compared to the first quarter of 2020. Confinements and mobility restrictions imposed on communities by armed groups, threats of attacks and/or threats to the population, and armed curfews occur in areas previously unaffected by the conflict. These restrictions limit safe access to education and health assistance and hamper water collection and livelihood activities for communities in the affected areas. The departments most affected by the conflict are predominately populated by Afro-Colombians and indigenous communities. These departments continue to be disproportionally affected by insecurity. Social leaders have become systematic targets of violent attacks from armed groups and organised crime groups. ?

As at 2021, there are 1.7 million Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Colombia. By the end of the year, an estimated two million Venezuelans will reside in Colombia, and 980,00 Colombians are expected to return from Venezuela. The arrival and transit of millions of people have had a considerable effect on services and resources. The Colombian health and education systems have insufficient capacity to respond to the incoming influx of people.?


Latest Developments

At least 47,000 migrants and refugees from Venezuela live in Riohacha (La Guajira department), displaced by Venezuela’s socioeconomic and political crisis in recent years. The need for regularisation of migration status, and overall lack of viable, stable employment has left many of these people – now making up one-quarter of Riohacha’s population – without livelihoods, cash, and essential goods. Most migrants and refugees live in informal settlements on the city’s outskirts and lack basic services. Forced recruitment and other coercive measures by armed groups operating in this relatively remote area, as well as xenophobic violence and harassment by city residents, are reported. Riohacha additionally hosts Colombian returnees from Venezuela as well as Wayúu indigenous communities, some of whom also need food, drinking water, proper sanitation, and healthcare, stretching the capacity of government and local humanitarian groups to integrate and respond to the needs of migrants and refugees. ?

Key Figures

Total population
People displaced
People in Need
Key figures are for the entire response and are not CCCM-specific.

INFORM Global Crisis Severity Index

Crisis Severity: 3.9

Impact: 3.7

Humanitarian Conditions: 4.4

Complexity: 3.2

Access Constraints: 4

The above scale is from 0 (Very low) to 5 (Very high)
Information courtesy of ACAPS.
Response Overview

Key Figures - 2019 HPC

in need
People targeted
Funding required




  1. To promote and implement actions in terms of temporary accommodation/shelter solutions for people displaced by disasters of natural and/or anthropogenic origin (widespread violence) and/or the Colombian population affected by the migratory crisis, which guarantee a healthy and safe environment in conditions of dignity and privacy.        
  2. To strengthen the capacities for the preparation and response of the key actors (at a governmental level,LCT, civil society and other coordination mechanisms) of the territories prioritized in temporary accommod        
  3. Support for early recovery and lasting solutions in terms of accommodation, educational facilities and community infrastructure ensuring a healthy and safe environment in conditions of dignity and privacy.    


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