States have increasingly adopted instruments to ensure the rights of internally displaced persons as illustrated in the sections about policies, laws as well as other relevant instruments. The ongoing normative developments category aims to capture and monitor legal and policy-related processes that are underway but not yet completed and that intended to prevent, protect and assist the IDPs as well as to find durable solutions to internal displacement.

Total number of ongoing normative developments (20)

Breakdown by regions

Africa (12) Americas (3) Asia (4) Europe (0) Middle East (0) Oceania (0)
Central African Republic El Salvador Afghanistan
Côte d’Ivoire Honduras Philippines
Democratic Republic of the Congo (2) Mexico Sri Lanka (2)
Kenya (2)
Nigeria (2)
Somalia (3)
South Sudan


These processes may include the drafting and formulation of the first national instrument to address internal displacement, but do not include declarations of intention.

For example, example, in Honduras, the law on internal displacement (Ley para la prevención, atención y protección de las personas desplazadas internamente) that is currently [in May 2018] waiting for adoption, is categorised as an ongoing normative development.

– The “Declaration of the Rights and Protections of Liberian Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)” as well as the “Instrument of Adoption” recognising “the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement to serve as a source of ongoing guidance and reference for the protection, dignity and rights of internally displaced persons” adopted by the Government of Liberia respectively in 2002 and 2004, are not considered as ongoing normative developments but as other relevant instruments.

The ongoing normative developments category also incldues the processes of complementing national normative frameworks to address internal displacement undertaken in some countries.

For example, while two states (Chiapas and Guerrero) of Mexico have already adopted laws on internal displacement, the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) has developed a Federal Law on internal displacement (Ley Federal para Prevenir, Atender y Reparar el Desplazamiento Forzado Interno), that is considered in this database as an ongoing normative development.

The ongoing normative developments section aims to offer an updated description of these normative developments, by presenting the different paths they undertake as well as in which stage of development they are in each national context.

Countries with ongoing normative developments