Law (7) Policy (0) Strategy (2) Other (22)


2005 - RS: Law on Displaced Persons, Returnees and Refugees in the Republika Srpska (RS Official Gazette, no.42/05 of 26 April 2005) (No.01-202/05)

This is a sub-national law.

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause yes
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see article 20)
Funding mechanism yes (see article 24)
Data collection mechanism yes (see article 31)
Guiding Principles no

Refers to: the Annex VI and VII of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH; Instruction on the Method of Organizing the Return of Displaced Persons and Refugees-Returnees in the Territory of RS; Law on Personal Identification Cards; Law on Permanent and Temporary Residence of Citizens; Law on the Cessation of Application of the Law on the Use of Abandoned Property; Law on Amendments to the Law on Refugees from BiH and Displaced Persons in BiH (2003); Protocol between the Ministry of Security, the RS Ministry for Refugees and Displaced Persons and UNHCR on Re-registration of Refugees from Croatia Residing in the Republika Srpska (2004); Abrogates: the Law on Displaced Persons, Refugees and Returnees in Republika Srpska (1999 and amendment) .

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2005 - FBiH: Law on displaced persons and returnees in the federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina

This is a sub-national law.

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause partially
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see parts V and VIII)
Funding mechanism yes (see part VII)
Data collection mechanism yes (see part VI)
Guiding Principles no

Refers to: the Law on Refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Displaced Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1999 and amendments); Annex VII of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Law on Cessation of Application of the Law on Abandoned Apartments (1998 and amendments) and the Law on Cessation of Application of the Law on Temporarily Abandoned Real Property Owned by Citizens (1998 and amendments); Abrogates: the Law on Displaced-Expelled Persons and Repatriates (2000 and amendments).

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2001 - Sarajevo Canton: Law No. 01-02-213/01 of 2001 on Displaced-Expelled Persons and Refugees Repatriates in the Sarajevo Canton

This is a sub-national law.

Definition no
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence no
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions no
Institutional focal point yes (see part IX)
Funding mechanism yes (see part VIII)
Data collection mechanism yes (see part VII)
Guiding Principles no

Refers to: the Law on Displaced-Expelled Persons and Refugees-Repatriates in the BiH Federation(2000); the Law on Refugees from BiH and Displaced Persons in BiH (1999): Instruction on the Form of the DP Card of a DisplacedExpelled Person (2000); the Instruction on Keeping the Central and Basic Records on Displaced-Expelled Persons and Refugees-Repatriates for the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000) and the Annex 7 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH; Abrogates: the Temporary Decree on the Procedure of the Recognition of the Status in the first instance of Displaced-exiled Persons, Refugees repatriates and the competence in the first instance in the Sarajevo Canton territory 2000).

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2000 - FBiH: Law No.01-286/2000 of 2000 on Displaced-Expelled Persons and Repatriates in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

This is a sub-national law.

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause partially
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see parts II, V and VIII)
Funding mechanism yes (see part VII)
Data collection mechanism yes (see parts IV and VI)
Guiding Principles no

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1999 - RS: Law of 1999 on Displaced Persons, Refugees and Returnees in the Republika Srpska (No.1-1111/99)

This is a sub-national law.

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause yes
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see part V)
Funding mechanism yes (see part VI)
Data collection mechanism yes (see articles 8, 15 and 24)
Guiding Principles no

Refers to: Annex 7, Annex 6 and Annex 4 of general Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina; the Law on the Cessation of Application of the Law on the Use of Abandoned Property (RS Official Gazette, number 39/98); the Instruction of the Method of Organizing the Return of Displaced Persons and Repatriates for the Territory of the Republika Srpska and the Law on Permanent and Temporary Residence of Citizens. Abrogates: the Law on Refugees and Displaced Persons (“Official Gazette of the Republika Srpska” no. 26/95).

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1999 - Law on Refugees from BiH and Displaced Persons in BiH (BiH OG, nos 23/99, 21/03 and 33/03)

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance no
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see parts IV and V, article 21a)
Funding mechanism yes (see parts VI and VII, article 24(c) and (d))
Data collection mechanism yes (see part IV)
Guiding Principles no

Refers to: Annex VII of the general Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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1992 - Lawful Act on Refugees and Displaced Persons (Official Bulletin of RBiH, N°.18/92)

Definition yes
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance yes
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see Chapter Three, articles 12 and 13)
Funding mechanism yes (see Chapter Five, articles 36 and 37)
Data collection mechanism yes (see Chapter Three, articles 16 and 17)
Guiding Principles no

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2010 - Revised strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina For the Implementation of Annex VII Of the Dayton Peace Agreement

Definition no
Non-discrimination clause partially
Cause – conflict/violence yes
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance no
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see pages 3, 15 and 41)
Funding mechanism yes (see page 41)
Data collection mechanism yes (see page 20)
Guiding Principles yes

Related to: the Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Implementation of Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Agreement (2002); Includes: the Framework Programme for Return of Refugees and Displaced Persons to BiH for the period 2009-2014 and the Concept for Addressing the Issue fo Damage Compensation for Property Which Cannot be restored to displaced persons and refugees in terms of the rights ensured in the Annex VII of Dayton Peace Agreement (12/2009).

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2002 - A Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the implementation of Annex II (GFAP)

Definition no
Non-discrimination clause no
Cause – conflict/violence no
Cause – natural disasters no
Cause – human-made disasters/development projects  no
Prevention no
Protection and Assistance no
Durable Solutions yes
Institutional focal point yes (see page 9 point 2)
Funding mechanism yes (see page 11 point 2.1.3)
Data collection mechanism yes (see page 14 point 4)
Guiding Principles no

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2010 – Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Detention and Other Measures (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No.12/10)

2009 Law on Prohibition of Discrimination (BiH Official Gazette No.59/09)

2007 – The Rules on Protection of Victims and Victim-Witnesses of Trafficking in Human Beings who are Citizens of BiH

2004 – Law on the Intelligence and Security Agency 

2003 – Criminal Code of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the FBiH 36/03) – Sub-national Instrument

2003 RS: The Criminal Code of the Republika Srpska (Includes: amendments up to 2013) – Sub-national Instrument

2003 – The Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Includes: amendments up to 2015)

2001 – Law on Personal Identification Number (Offical Gazette of BiH no.32)

2001 – Law on Permanent and Temporary Residence of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina

2001 – Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (including the changes and addenda published in the Official Gazette of BiH number 7/14) (Includes: amendments upt to 2014)

2000 – FBiH: Instruction on the form of a displaced-expelled person card (Related to: Law on Displaced-Expelled Persons and Repatriates in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – FBH Official Gazette, number 19/2000) – Sub-national Instrument

2000 – FBiH: Instruction on keeping main and basic records of displaced-expelled persons and repatriates for the territory of the federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Related to: the Law on Displaced-Expelled Persons and Repatriates in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – FBH Official Gazette, number 19/2000) – Sub-national Instrument

2000 – The Criminal Code of Brkcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Includes: amendments up to 2013) – Sub-national Instrument

2000 RS: Instruction on the method of conducting revision of the status of a displaced person (Related to: the Law on Displaced Persons, Refugees and Returnees in the Republika Srpska (RS Official Gazette, number 33/90) – Sub-national Instrument

1999 – Instruction on the Return of Bosnian Refugees and Displaced Persons to/within the Territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Refers to: Annex 7 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in BiH)

1999 – FBiH: Law on Implementation of the Decisions of the Commission for Real Property Claims of Displaced Persons and Refugees – Sub-national Law

1999RS: Law on Implementation of the Decisions of the Commission for Real Property Claims of Displaced Persons and Refugees (Amended: at least in December 2001) – Sub-national Law

1998 – Law on the Cessation of Application of the Law on the Use of Abandoned Property (Includes: amendments up to December 2001)

1995 – Dayton Peace Agreement: The General Framework Agreement: Annex VII: Agreement on Refugees and Refugees and Displaced Persons

1995 – Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (as amended on the 26/03/2009)

1992 – Decree of 1992 on the Establishment of Headquarters for Displaced Persons and Refugee Care

1992 – Decree of 1992 about Approval of Residence Change of Displaced Persons and Refugees