
There are 7.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in Somalia. More than 3.7 million of them have been displaced (internally or across the borders) by conflict, insecurity, forced evictions, drought, and floods.?The Somali population has pre-existing vulnerabilities related to high poverty rates and is experiencing the compounded effects of long-term conflict and recurrent natural disasters.?

Clan disputes, political tensions, national and foreign military campaigns against Al Shabaab, and continuing Al Shabaab attacks targeting civilians cause insecurity and instability across the country. Al Shabaab controls parts of southern Somalia, particularly rural areas. National and foreign security forces have also carried out human rights abuses against civilians, such as killings and arbitrary arrests.?

Somalia is highly vulnerable to natural hazards, such as drought and floods. The federal Government of Somalia declared a drought in April 2021, after a below-average Deyr rainy season (October–December 2020). As at June 2022, the drought has progressively worsened after four consecutive below-average rainy seasons. More than 80% of the country is facing severe to extreme drought conditions. The severity of the current drought is similar to droughts from 2010–2011 and 2016–2017.?The current drought has affected 7.1 million people throughout the country and resulted in the displacement of more than 800,000 people. Some areas are also facing the risk of famine for the period June–­September 2022.?

Poverty in Somalia is caused by the fractured state of the Government and limited access to livelihood opportunities and basic services. It is particularly widespread among IDPs in settlements and people residing in rural areas.?

INFORM measures Somalia's risk of humanitarian crisis and disaster to be very high, at 8.8/10.?

Latest Developments

No significant recent humanitarian developments. This crisis is being monitored by our analysis team.

Key Figures

People affected
People displaced
People in Need
Key figures are for the entire response and are not CCCM-specific.

INFORM Global Crisis Severity Index

Crisis Severity: 4.4

Impact: 4.8

Humanitarian Conditions: 4.4

Complexity: 4.2

Access Constraints: 4

The above scale is from 0 (Very low) to 5 (Very high)
Information courtesy of ACAPS.
Response Overview


Key Figures - 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan

in need
People targeted
Funding required


  1. Strengthen safe access to multi sectorial services at site level through improved site management and coordination.
  2. Improve living conditions of displaced people through site development, care and maintenance and decongestion initiatives.
  3. Strengthen community self-management and access to information for displaced populations.


Populations in Somalia continue to be affected by climatic shocks and insecurity, often leading to their displacement. Urban areas receive newly displaced people, who move into private IDP sites with poor living standards, a lack of tenured security, and inadequate access to basic services. Local integration and IDP returns are also limited, as many displaced families have lost livelihoods and are continually reliant on humanitarian services. Those displaced to informal sites, in particular, are living in precarious conditions and are not having their basic needs met due to inconsistent service provision, barriers to or exclusion from accessing humanitarian support.

Target and response priorities/boundaries

Based on figures collected through the CCCM Cluster's Detailed Site Assessment (DSA), the cluster will target 1.4 million people living in accessible IDP sites. The cluster has prioritized interventions in the 21 districts where CCCM partners are already active, and in 2020 will target an additional six districts, housing 15,000 people, that are vulnerable to climatic shocks. Service provision will be done in coordination with local authorities, and the humanitarian community at a district level, to ensure that aid reaches the most vulnerable populations. The cluster will support other clusters in targeting sites and populations for intervention by providing information on age, gender, disability and vulnerability of displaced people. Additionally, CCCM will work closely with durable solutions partners to ensure that programming is working to build the resilience of its targets. The cluster will support partners and local authorities in relocations when appropriate and voluntary, and
will advocate for sustained aid in instances where durable solutions cannot be found, especially for those displaced by conflict.

Response strategies and modalities

The CCCM Cluster will continue to support displaced populations through multiple channels: strengthening safe access to multisectoral services at a site level,  through improved site management and coordination; ensuring community participation empowerment through consistent engagement; protecting against disability discrimination or social exclusion through feedback mechanisms; improving the living conditions of IDPs through site improvement and maintenance; and collecting information on populations data through the DSA and other site verification exercises. The cluster will support the coordination of safety audits.

The cluster will use an area-based approach at district level to ensure the effective coordination and management of IDP sites through mobile teams, in coordination with local authorities. Where appropriate, the cluster will support cash-based interventions to improve site safety, primarily in order to strengthen the purchasing power of vulnerable community members. To minimize pull factors to sites, the CCCM Cluster will advocate for the provision of basic services in sites, and for the centralized access to external services, benefitting both IDPs and host communities, and accounting for different needs, priorities, risks and capacities. The cluster will prioritize opportunities to work with national NGO partners and local authorities in order to strengthen national capacities in camp management.

In 2019, the cluster reached 1.1 million IDPs across 842 sites. This represents 61 per cent of the beneficiary target (total 1.8 million) and 42 per cent of the site target (total 1,926). Meanwhile, continuing conflicts, drought and flooding have increased the total number displaced, while there haven't been large-scale return movements home. As such, the cluster will continue to operate in the 21 districts in which it currently has a presence, as well as expand to six additional districts. In 2019, partners made significant progress towards securing government- or privately-donated land where, in 2020, the cluster will be able to invest in site planning,  maintenance and development. It is hoped that these new sites will mitigate future shocks.

The CCCM and Protection clusters will work together to mitigate the exlusion of individuals and groups in service delivery. Complaint/feedback mechanisms will be strengthened, and communication with communities (CwC) will be prioritized across programming. Partners' commitment to providing equitable access to aid is evident, as IDPs hold a central role in decision-making process and accountability exercises. The CCCM cluster will continue to work with populations at a site level, to support the creation of inclusive and accountable camp management committees that are representative of the diverse population. These inclusive committees will serve as a platform for engagement with humanitarian partners.



Title Uploaded
CCCM Cluster Somalia - Terms of Reference 17 May 2017
Title Theme Post Date
CCCM Case Studies 2016 - 2019: Chapter 2 28 Aug 2019
IDP Sites Kismayo, Somalia Displacement 14 May 2018
HDX datasets

14 Common Operating Datasets or CCCM-tagged datsets are on the Humanitarian Data Exchange: