Useful links

Brookings – Bern: Research Material on Internal Displacement Brookings LSE Project on Internal Displacement DATABASE | National Legislation and Policy Mapping on Internal Displacement UNHCR – Refworld: National Legislation Related to IDPs > ESSENTIAL FRAMEWORKS AND...

Training and Workshop Materials

Burkina Faso, Kampala Convention Training Workshop Report, December 2021 available also in French   NRC, Training Manual for Civil Society Organisations on the Kampala Convention and its Model Law, 2019 GPC Training Package: Capacity-building on Law and Policy-Making...

Regional and Country Specific Analysis

UNHCR and IOM. Bridging the Divide in Approaches to Conflict and Disaster Displacement: Norms, Institutions and Coordination in Afghanistan, Colombia, Niger, the Philippines and Somalia. 2021. Also available in French and Spanish. Beyani, A view from inside the...

Good Practices

Ukraine – Good practices on IDP legislative advocacy, 2021   GP20 | Ethiopia – The Durable Solutions Initiative, 2020 GP20 | Fiji – Learning from Communities in the Development of National Planned Relocation Guidelines in the Context of Climate...