Protection in Natural Disasters Training

The Protection in Natural Disasters Training was developed in 2011 and comprises sub-regional (e.g. West Africa) and country level versions. The sub-regional module is undertaken over a one day period and the country-level module is delivered from one day and half to three days. The one day sub-regional module is usually integrated into another training activity (see learning programmes below). The country-level module is more comprehensive as it intends to support contingency planning for the country.

The aim of the training is to raise awareness of protection in natural disaster situations and provide guidance to participants on preparedness for and response to the specific protection concerns of internally displaced persons and other affected people, in support of national authorities, and using the international legal framework. The training has been designed to give a comprehensive overview of:

  1. Protection concerns in natural disasters
  2. The normative framework for protection in natural disasters
  3. Preparedness for and response to protection concerns in natural disasters

Furthermore, the country-level training includes sessions enabling participants to apply their individual knowledge and experiences on protection in natural disaster situations in their country, notably by conducting a mapping of protection actors as well as by identifying actions which could form the basis for or could be integrated in a protection strategy.

In 2012, the Protection in Natural Disasters training will be delivered as an integral part of the workshops of the Protection Cluster Coordination learning program in Mindanao, the Philippines (August) and in Dakar, Senegal (October). A stand-alone training for the Pacific region is also planned in October.

E-learning course on Protection in Natural Disasters is planned for development.

For more information on the Protection in Natural Disasters please contact us.

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