Afghanistan remains today one of the world’s most acute and complex humanitarian emergencies, after over 40 years of continued crisis driven by conflict and disasters and exacerbated by an economic meltdown. The numbers are overwhelming: 97% of Afghans could potentially plunge into poverty by mid-2022 and 24.4 million people, or 55% of the population, are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2022, a staggering 30% increase from 2021.

Due to their uprooting and significant displacement to urban areas, many internally displaced persons struggle to meet their basic needs. Continued protection risks, reflecting decades of conflict and violence, are being exacerbated and further entrenched while accessible services and remedies are decreasing. 16.2 million people are estimated to be in need of protection, given the severe human rights violations, such as unlawful detentions and extrajudicial killings, that continue to be reported. Restrictions on women and girls’ rights and freedoms are also increasing their risks of being confronted to gender-based violence.

526.3 million USD are required by the Global Protection Cluster, Shelter and NFI Cluster, and Camp Coordination and Camp Management Custer to assist 8 million of the most vulnerable displaced people. 

Read the tri-clusters briefing note here