Women and girls in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) are facing increasing and disproportionate impacts of the worsening humanitarian and security situation, which is resulting in an increase of civilian casualties and protection risks, deprivation of freedom of movement and forced displacement. Data shows that gender-based violence (GBV) is one of the main risks exacerbated by COVID-19 restrictions and recent resurgence of violence. Women and girls feel unsafe due to the high levels of GBV, and adolescent girls in particular are at high risk of early marriage and school dropout.

The Protection Cluster and GBV Sub-Cluster published a protection analysis focused on protection issues affecting women and girls across the oPt. It will be updated around twice each year, with additional in-depth protection analysis carried out by the Protection Cluster and GBV Sub-Cluster (GBV SC). As such, the below identified threats are not exhaustive and attempt to capture, as a priority, the issues that the GBV SC and its partners are working on, and activities prioritized:

  1. Gender-based violence (GBV)
  2. Child, early and forced marriage

Despite increasing protection needs, humanitarian access to affected populations continues to be restricted in some areas, particularly to women, girls and persons living with disabilities, which may force vulnerable households to adopt negative coping strategies and increase burdens on female headed households in particular.

Life-saving GBV services are extremely limited – and access to these services is further restricted due to limitations on movement and measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic – with the result that those who experience GBV are not able to access quality care and support to recover.

Read the publication: oPt Protection Analysis Update, March 2022