Conflict dynamics in Niger are changing, including in the Tillaberi region, which has recently been experiencing intercommunal tensions, mass killings and increased violence involving non-state actors. These violations are leading to both internal and cross border displacements, towards Mali and Burkina Faso. The Protection Cluster estimates that 1.1 million people will be in need of protection in 2022 – with a sharp increase of people in need of mental health and psychosocial support.

In November 2021, the Global Protection Cluster (GPC) travelled to Tillabéri, to support the National Protection Cluster in Niger in addressing everyday challenges faced by civilians—kidnappings, killings, forced marriages and displacements. The mission met with people affected by the crisis, authorities, local organisations, INGOs, UN Agencies, Protection Cluster and Areas of Responsibility (AoR) and their Lead Agencies, OCHA, and other clusters. 

Here are six things that can be done to respond to conflict dynamics and humanitarian needs in Niger and ensure proper attention is given to the protection crisis.

  1. Make community mechanisms and L/NNGOs as a framework for protection central in the
    humanitarian response
  2. Sustain strong and regular protection analysis
  3. Lead local to global advocacy on protection of civilians, human rights and durable solutions
  4. Scale up protection programming, in quantity and quality
  5. Adopt a more robust approach to Centrality of Protection
  6. Support alternatives to returns and explore durable solutions



Marie-Emilie Dozin, Global Protection Cluster

Claudine Nzuba Ndabarinze, National Protection Cluster Niger

Read the full publication here