Al-Hol camp in north-east Syria (NES) was established in the early 1990s under emergency conditions to receive Iraqis seeking safety from conflict. The camp was closed in 2013 when Iraqis either returned or found other durable solutions. In May 2016, the camp was reopened to accommodate Syrians and Iraqis fleeing violence in their countries. By late 2018, while most residents had returned to their places of origin, some 9,400 IDPs and Iraqis remained in the camp, unable to access durable solutions. As of June 2022, the population in Al-Hol camp stands at almost 55,000 individuals, including Syrians, Iraqis and third country nationals (TCNs). The camp was designed and developed based on emergency standards with community spaces and communal shared facilities, including kitchens, latrines, and street illumination, which eventually became the target of vandalism attacks by some groups within the camp.

According to the 2021 Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA) the severity of needs in Al-Hasakeh Governorate is categorized as extreme. Needs in Al-Hol camp are categorized as catastrophic. Key protection issues identified during the 2021 MSNA:

  • Lack or loss of civil documentation in Al-Hasakeh Governorate was reported as occurring in 100% of assessed communities (compared to 61% in 2020) and spread across all sub-districts to varying degrees.
  • Family separation was reported as occurring in 72% of assessed communities spread across Al-Hasakeh Governorate.
  • Protection partners operating under the umbrella of the Syria HCT-coordinated response continue to work in extremely challenging conditions. Inadequate and inconsistent funding have impacted protection services for children. Rampant camp closures, restrictions to the freedom of movement and the heavily securitised camp area also reduce protection services made available to survivors of gender-based violence in particular, and in general to women and girls, living in these camps.

Read the full publication here: Protection Sector Update: Al-Hol Camp, June 2022