Forum seeks solutions for Africa's 36 million displaced

First-of-its-kind forum brings together business leaders, refugee change makers and the public sector in Rwanda to find solutions to forced displacement in Africa

3 Dec 2021

Football star Mo Salah drops in on an Egyptian school

Salah, an Ambassador for Instant Network Schools, pays surprise virtual visit to classroom at a school in his native Egypt.

19 Nov 2021

UNHCR receives largest private sector contribution for Afghanistan crisis in 2021

The LEGO Foundation and KIRKBI, the owners of the LEGO Group, contribute 30 million DKK US$4.7 million) to support UNHCR's emergency response in Afghanistan.

26 Aug 2021

Peruvian football club Alianza Lima partners with UNHCR to support refugees

16 Oct 2020

UNHCR private-sector partners win big at this year's FT/IFC awards

IKEA Foundation and Vodafone Foundation receive recognition for their work with UNHCR in solving challenges faced by refugees

8 Oct 2020

UNHCR Report: Coronavirus a dire threat to refugee education - half of the world's refugee children out of school.

3 Sep 2020

Mo Salah calls for team effort to ensure disadvantaged children receive education

UNHCR warns COVID-19 a dire threat hopes of young refugees

3 Sep 2020

'Can everybody see me?' - Goodwill Ambassadors hold virtual meeting for refugees

Video chat shows companies how to back UNHCR's campaign to support refugees during the COVID-19 pandemic.

8 May 2020

Refugee tailors switch to making face masks and protective gear

Around the world, displaced artisans are stepping up a gear to supply face masks and protective equipment in desperately short supply.

27 Apr 2020