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Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
Human rights are relevant for all of us, every
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Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
UNHCR viewpoint: 'Refugee' or 'migrant' – Which is right? via Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
Heavy monsoon rains in the past week caused around 100 landslide incidents throughout the
#Rohingya refugee settlements. Meet@Refugees shelter officer, Marina Drazba, geologist and landslide expert, helping to keep families safer Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
Good morning from Kakuma where the world’s first
#TEDx in a refugee camp will start in 90 minutes! Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
They're from...
The United Kingdom
Austria ... and the crowds are going wild.
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Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
While the votes are being counted to determine who this year's
#Eurovision winner will be, we're here with the artist behind 'Mercy.' Get involved → Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
SRSG Tanin at UN Kosovo Trust-Building Forum (May 6-8, Ljubljana): "It’s Time to Organise the Future, Not Simply to Mourn the Past" …
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Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
Olympic swimmer
@YusraMardini recalls having to literally swim for her life as a teenage refugee Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
@RefugeesMedia@Refugees with@unhcr and Danish Refugee Council present findings on the profile of the returnees and the interest of displaced persons for questa discussioneGrazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
#Prishtinë, Ministria për Kthim dhe Këshilli Danez për Refugjatë promovuan botimet: "Personat e zhvendosur nga Kosova në rajon - Rivlerësimi i interesit për kthim" dhe "Profilizimi i personave të zhvendosur brenda në Kosovë" Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
#Pristina, MCR and DRC presented publications related to the situation of the displaced in the region and in#Kosovo. “Displaced persons from Kosovo in the region - a re-assessment of interest to return” and “Profiling of internally displaced persons in Kosovo” Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in
#Kosovo initiated a course on protection of rights of refugees and persons at risk of statelessness with students of Faculty of Law of University of Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
What would life be like if you were invisible?
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Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
In spite of everything, refugee children are still dreaming of a better future. These refugee kids in Lebanon are getting ready for school at our early learning programs!
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Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
7 years of tragedy 7 years of silent suffering 7 years of deferred dreams Syria conflict at 7 years: a colossal human
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Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
There have never been more
#refugees and displaced people in need of support than there are today. Every day, tens of thousands of people are forced to flee their homes because of conflict or persecution. Find out how CARE is helping: …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
“We need to stop talking about people as if they were statistics. They are human beings.” Our
@Melissarfleming explains how we can build more empathy towards those most vulnerable. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
One tweet by
@rimamaktabi changed the lives of Syrian refugees Mohammed and Issam. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Shpend Halili ha ritwittato
Just a week after endorsing resolution on
#SDGs,#Kosovo Assembly approves a resolution setting environmental protection as a priority. More policy, actions & financial resources assured.#ClimateAction#SDG13#Agenda2030Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
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