Yazidi women box their way to recovery

A boxing project implemented by an NGO Innovation Award winner is empowering displaced Yazidi women and girls in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

23 Jun 2022

FC Barcelona and UNHCR kick off partnership with new football jersey in support of refugee children

The Spanish football giant and its Foundation will help to fund four projects in Colombia, Uganda, Türkiye and Malaysia.

14 Jun 2022

Syrian brothers in Lebanon are a team on the football field and at home

Four young Syrian refugees in Lebanon work as a team to care for their brother with epilepsy, and dream of playing professional football to get him the medical treatment he needs.

21 Apr 2022

Football unites in global appeal for the United Nations response to Ukraine

As the number of refugees fleeing Ukraine approaches four million, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and World Food Programme (WFP) launch the Football for Ukraine Emergency Appeal'.

29 Mar 2022

FC Barcelona and UNHCR unite for forcibly displaced children worldwide

For the next four football seasons, FC Barcelona and its Foundation will support programmes for displaced children and those who host them

24 Mar 2022

Five footballs designed by young artists will raise funds for refugee sports programmes

8 Sep 2021

Meet the five winners of our dream football design contest

The young refugees and supporters behind the winning football designs will see them brought to life to support sport programmes for displaced people.

8 Sep 2021

Refugee Paralympians leave legacy of hope as Tokyo Games conclude

After competing with pride and receiving an outpouring of support in Japan and beyond, the Refugee Paralympic Team showed the power of inclusion for displaced people with disabilities.

5 Sep 2021

Refugee athletes blaze a trail for disability inclusion through sport

UNHCR disability inclusion specialist Ricardo Pla Cordero explains how the agency's support for the Refugee Paralympic Team fits into its wider work on behalf of refugees with disabilities.

31 Aug 2021