Regularisation Scheme for International Protection Applicants

The Irish government has announced the opening of the protection strand to the undocumented migrant regularisation scheme. It is open to people in the international protection process for two years or more.

A separate strand of the scheme is open to long term undocumented migrants. More information about that scheme is available on the Department of Justice’s immigration website.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible, you must currently be an applicant for international protection in Ireland. Applicants must have resided continuously in the State as an applicant for at least the 2-year period immediately prior to 7 February 2022 and continue to reside in the state at the date of application.

What status will I be granted if successful?

You will be granted a Stamp 4 immigration permission that allows for unrestricted access to the labour market.

Will this affect my protection application?  

The new scheme acknowledges the primacy of the 1951 Refugee Convention and so applicants who apply for the scheme may continue with their application for international protection.

If you are granted a residency permission under the scheme you may withdraw your application for international protection if you wish. You should seek advice and speak to your legal representative before making any decision to withdraw from the protection process. People with refugee status or subsidiary protection have a right to family reunification. Those with refugee status can make an application for citizenship three years after the date their application for international protection was lodged and also have a right to a 1951 Refugee Convention travel document.

How long do I have to make an application?

Applications for this scheme will be accepted for six months until 11.59pm on 7 August 2022.

How do I apply?

The application form is available as an editable PDF form at

Applicants should save their completed applications forms on their PC/laptops/devices and submit as an attachment as well as the required documentation by email to [email protected].

You must submit your application by email. IPO will not accept applications by post.

For more information, please go to: