
UNHCR prepares a Biennial Programme Budget, broken down into annual budgets based on globally assessed needs. The original programme budget is presented to UNHCR’s main governing body, the Executive Committee (ExCom), prior to the start of the biennium. Needs are re-assessed during the biennium and a revised budget is presented to ExCom for approval in October of each year. The current budget may be adjusted for unforeseen needs that arise in the course of the year by means of supplementary budgets. The final budget from the previous year is presented to ExCom’s Standing Committee at its June/July meeting each year.

The financial information displayed on this website is subject to frequent updates and may vary from the information published in governance documents presented to the Executive Committee and its Standing Committee at their formal meetings throughout the year.

2017 [{"year":2013,"budget":5335.37437256,"contribution":3234.1,"expenditure":2971.82481577,"yearClosed":1},{"year":2014,"budget":6569.75352606,"contribution":3603.1,"expenditure":3355.40930183,"yearClosed":1},{"year":2015,"budget":7232.409286416,"contribution":3706.8,"expenditure":3294.81477081,"yearClosed":1},{"year":2016,"budget":7509.702804336,"contribution":4410.8,"expenditure":3967.09565438,"yearClosed":1},{"year":2017,"budget":7962.857252688,"contribution":4510,"expenditure":4083.35190093,"yearClosed":1},{"year":2018,"budget":8275.3227896,"contribution":1917.290783,"expenditure":0,"yearClosed":0}]
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The following table and map provide an overview of UNHCR’s budgets and expenditure for programmed activities by region and pillar. For details by subregion or operation, click on the respective links. Annual budget and expenditure details for Global Programmes and Headquarters are available in the respective Global Appeals/Reports.

2018 Global Requirements - Programmed Activities

  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
Region Pillar 1
Refugee Programme
Pillar 2
Stateless Programme
Pillar 3
Reintegration Projects
Pillar 4
IDP Projects
Africa Budget 2,362,873,075 26,325,415 141,089,645 280,125,890 2,810,414,025
Middle East and North Africa Budget 1,347,621,586 1,313,445 259,200,000 873,427,391 2,481,562,422
Asia and the Pacific Budget 535,065,301 31,363,017 100,215,758 34,302,885 700,946,962
Europe Budget 835,537,362 10,757,356 162,653 29,213,817 875,671,189
Americas Budget 165,703,063 9,341,473 0 21,556,495 196,601,031
Global Programmes and Headquarters Budget 677,655,736 0 0 0 677,655,736
Total Programmed Activities Budget 5,924,456,123 79,100,706 500,668,057 1,238,626,479 7,742,851,364

2018 Global Requirements - Programmed Activities

*Please note that the totals presented in tables and charts on this website may not add up due to rounding. All figures are displayed in USD; figures on the map are displayed in millions.

Latest reports on financial contributions to UNHCR are available below :

The results of the Pledging Conference for UNHCR's 2018 programmes are available here. To review historical trends of financial pledges made at the annual Pledging Conferences, click here

Further illustrating the importance of unrestricted funding, UNHCR’s report on the use of unearmarked funding in 2017 is available here

Donor Profiles

The above chart shows the respective share of contributions by UNHCR’s main donors over the last five years. Detailed information on donors’ contributions is available in this section, including individual donor profiles and rankings of governmental donors.