
Protection Cluster

The Protection Cluster led by UNHCR, coordinates the protection response and advocates for the improvement of policies and legislation affecting internally displaced people and other conflict-affected persons. It also engages in capacity building and provides guidance on mainstreaming protection into all humanitarian response activities.

The Protection Cluster includes Child Protection (led by UNICEF), Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (led by UNFPA) and Mine Action (led by UNDP) Sub-Clusters. In addition, there is an Age and Disability Technical Working Group (chaired by HelpAge) active under the Protection Cluster, and a Housing, Land and Property Rights Technical Working Group (chaired by NRC) under the umbrella of the Protection and Shelter/NFI Clusters.

Protection coordination structures are in place at national and sub-national levels in Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kramatorsk, Slovyansk, Sievierodonetsk, Mariupol, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, and Luhansk.

Find more information about the Protection Cluster in Ukraine here


Shelter/NFI Cluster

The Shelter/NFI Cluster led by UNHCR is a co-ordination mechanism supporting internally displaced people and other conflict-affected persons  with the means to live in safe, dignified and appropriate shelter.

The Cluster offers coordination services to more than 20 national and international partners, including central and local governmental authorities, active in the response to the shelter and non-food items needs of both displaced and non-displaced population affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Coordination structures are in place at national (Kyiv) and sub-national levels (Mariupol, Sloviansk, Sievierodonetsk).

Since 2014, national and international humanitarian shelter and NFI agencies on both sides of the line of contact have assisted more than 655,000 families (an estimated 1.6 million persons) with basic non-food and winterization items, with emergency and long-term house repairs, while much more people have benefitted from community infrastructure repairs.

In 2019, Cluster partners repaired or rebuilt the homes of 3,667 vulnerable families living near the line of contact.

Find more information about the Shelter/NFI Cluster in Ukraine here