Nine years in crisis

Nine years in crisis

The ongoing humanitarian emergency in Syria As the crisis in Syria enters its ninth year, the need for life-saving essentials in the conflict-ravaged country remains immense — and urgent. An estimated 13.5 million need humanitarian assistance — including 6.6 million...
Faces of Syria

Faces of Syria

Nine years since the start of the conflict in Syria the number of people who have been forcibly displaced continues to increase. 13.5 million are in need of humanitarian assistance. Behind this number are the stories of individual people whose lives have been...
Knowledge and gratitude inspired donor’s legacy gift

Knowledge and gratitude inspired donor’s legacy gift

Ann Atkinson remembers sitting in a darkened movie theatre at just five years old, intently watching the grainy, black-and-white newsreels of refugees fleeing Poland and Czechoslovakia in the aftermath of the Second World War.   “I didn’t know what I was seeing until...

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