Message from the United Nations humanitarian, refugee, and development chiefs on the situation in Syria and the region

Statement by the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, and the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Achim Steiner

10 May 2022

The woman with golden hands: Syrian refugee in Jordan finds joy - and a future - in making beautiful things

25 Apr 2022

Displaced Syrians face bleak Ramadan as economic pain follows COVID-19

Across much of the Middle East and North Africa, Holy Month celebrations are replaced by a struggle for survival amid economic shocks and rising food prices.

14 Apr 2022

Imagining Syria

With nearly two million Syrian refugee children aged 11 or under having little or no memory of home, we asked some of them to draw what Syria means to them.

15 Mar 2022

Jordan issues record number of work permits to Syrian refugees

Country is at forefront of global efforts to give both refugees and host communities access to decent work

25 Jan 2022

Poet and activist Emi Mahmoud brings voices of refugees to COP26

Poet and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Emtithal (Emi) Mahmoud had conversations with refugees in several countries before composing the poem she will perform at the UN climate change meeting in Glasgow this week.

8 Nov 2021

We decide how to treat refugees - it's dehumanizing to deprive them of an education

For the launch of the UNHCR 2021 Education Report, US author and vlogger John Green says learning opportunities for refugee children are utterly inadequate and the world must acknowledge their right to an education.

7 Sep 2021

In Jordan and Lebanon, refugee volunteers boost vaccine uptake

As World Immunization Week aims to boost trust in vaccines, refugee volunteers work to combat misinformation and encourage older refugees to get vaccinated.

29 Apr 2021

Ramadan donations bring hope of better times for Syrian refugees

As the Holy Month approaches, launch of UNHCR's Ramadan fundraising campaign promises desperately needed financial support to refugees struggling during COVID-19.

12 Apr 2021