Yazidi women box their way to recovery

A boxing project implemented by an NGO Innovation Award winner is empowering displaced Yazidi women and girls in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

23 Jun 2022

Covid-19 and climate crisis worsen inequalities for displaced women and girls

Statement attributed to the UNHCR Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Gillian Triggs

8 Mar 2022

Costa Rican and asylum-seeking women come together to save cacao plantation

An all-women's cacao collective has brought support to its septuagenarian founder and much-needed income to its members, including asylum seekers from Nicaragua.

8 Mar 2022

'I think of refugees as a testament to the strength and goodness of the human spirit'

New Zealand's first ever refugee Member of Parliament, Golriz Ghahraman, reflects on how her refugee background has helped her navigate political life.

7 Mar 2022

'My dream has finally come true!'

Sudanese student Raba Hakim fulfils a lifelong dream of going to university, thanks to a Mastercard Foundation scholarship.

11 Oct 2021

Yemeni humanitarian organization wins 2021 UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, announces the winner of its 2021 Nansen Refugee Award. Five regional winners are also announced.

29 Sep 2021

'We've found peace, stability and quality of life'

Venezuelan refugee mothers start over in northern Mexico.

18 Aug 2021

UNHCR warns Afghanistan's conflict taking the heaviest toll on displaced women and children

13 Aug 2021

Artist nurtures creativity through online community of women refugees

An online art project is helping women refugees overcome restrictions imposed by the global pandemic to develop creativity and build self-confidence.

8 Apr 2021