The laureate or the winning organisation receives US$ 150,000 to invest in their humanitarian work. Additionally, four regional winners from each global region outside of the laureate’s region are selected and honoured with a certificate and a local event.
The 2021 laureate is the Jeel Albena Association for Humanitarian Development (JAAHD), a humanitarian organization providing emergency services to internally displaced people in northern Yemen. Founded in 2017, the organization has constructed 18,000 emergency shelters for internally displaced people and their host communities and helped thousands through its skills-building centre and school rehabilitation programme. The founder, Ameen Jubran, himself was displaced by the conflict in Yemen in 2015. Jubran and his colleagues have shown exceptional perseverance, humanitarian spirit and commitment to people forced to flee, continuing throughout the conflict to deliver lifesaving aid to those who need it the most. Read more about this extraordinary laureate.